

"A good way to practise would be talk to 1 random person a day untill you're condifent enough to do 2, then 3, etc."

have you actually done that dude? I've tried that it is kind of helping me out, but when it comes to girls...I'm way too shy to do it


Well-known member
"A good way to practise would be talk to 1 random person a day untill you're condifent enough to do 2, then 3, etc."

have you actually done that dude? I've tried that it is kind of helping me out, but when it comes to girls...I'm way too shy to do it

Not every day but i've done it the odd time. Mostly to guys, though.


Well-known member
So i've been feeling pretty damn embarrassed all day because of how quiet i was at the party, been trying to avoid the window and going outside and talking. Here i am invited to a party and i'm silent for most of it after i was invited by my neighbour and she was trying to get me to talk. I also feel like an ass. She was talking to my dad today and the wedding has been called off. I feel even more embarrassed for not flirting back with one of the girls that was trying to flirt with me....

Me: Hey, the limo has arrived.
Her: Has it?
Me: Yes
Her: What if i don't believe you?
Me: Well it is here
Her: If it's not here i'm going to pinch you...HARD! (saying in a sexy voice)
Me: *smiles and is unable to say anything*

What i shoulda said can pinch me any day baby and gave a wink. i woulda said that if i was comfortable.

I just wanna keep trying to avoid my neighbour now.....