Parents...involved or not?

For those of you that told your parents about your anxiety, did they try to downplay it or did they take you seriously? Also, is there anything you wish they would have done to help put you in more social situations as a child, encouraged you to be comfortable around others, take you to a therapist, etc...?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, we (ma mum and I) huv discussed ma anxiety issues in the past. But she just keep sayin' that ah "wuz jist a wee bit shy" and that ah'd git over it. She was also a bit too overprotective of me, as a child. Ah think that was mainly due to me being born with cerebral palsy.

Ah do wish that she'd taken me to a therapist when ah was 16, because that when ma social anxiety got really bad and led to a really crippling depressing. Though, the fact that ah hud suddenly lost interest in things I'd enjoy up to that point - playin' the guitar, for example - and hud become quite withdrawn, should've been a sign.


Well-known member
My parents believe that I'm making myself believe I have SA, and that its all in my head pretty much.


Well-known member
My dad down played it and said my doctor made an incorrect diagnosis lol and told me to stop my medication and y mum cried when she fundi as on medication apparently every time I try get a job that will be on my record or something. So nope involved and supportive are not words I would use about what my parents feel about this.


Well-known member
Neither of my parents care about my mental health remotely, or my physical health. I dont see my father any more but the closest we came to discussing any kind of mental health issues was when I was about 14 and had attempted suicide. When I visited him he asked if it was true, I told him yes. End of conversation and we never spoke of anything mental health wise again.
My mother is simply a selfish, angry *trails off swearing*....

Some parents just really suck