Panick Attacks


Hey All

I thought i'd open this thread so that we can share our experiences on this dreadful subject

Have you ever had panic attacks? what triggers them and what symptoms do you usually get?

I usually only get panic attacks when i am concerned about my health and i am afraid that there is something terribly wrong with me (disease,etc) it usually starts while i am sleeping i suddenly become restless, then i get stomach cramps, i start sweating or i get cold chills, i lose my appetite, i feel as if i am outside of my body, lose my concentration and i can't stop thinking about the same thing over and over.... so in a few words it's worse than hell

what about you people?


The definition of a panic attack in most medical dictionaries is that it has no real cause. My what I like to call "anxiety attacks" happen when I'm exposed to blood, hear someone talking about blood or I read about blood. I have a severe blood phobia. My anxiety attacks cause my blood pressure to drop, my blood sugar to drop, my pulse to sky rocket, myself to get dizzy, sweaty, weak, and sometimes even blackout.

Throughout school I have had about 15-20 of these attacks in class. Its really embarrassing when you suddenly get really dizzy and blackout in class or the hallway on my way to get cold water.

Wallis Avila

New member
Well first I start to feel funny and my knuckles turn blackish , then my heart beat picks up and i get really anxious. I usually feel like my life is going to end right there and my mind is racing.


New member
hmmmmmmmmm well panic attack started with my break up with my bf!
my heart beat went out of control..i thought i will have a heart attack! i did not lips went blue....loud n sentimental music used to make it worse..and i used to wake up in the middle of sleep..scared!! it was terrible...n it seems it will last forever!!

Fighting panic attacks


Well-known member
I'm 20 years old and have suffered from panic disorder since I was about two years old. Or, that's when it came apparent to my mother, anyway.

My panic attacks are usually triggered by health-related fears. I have OCD with hypochondria, so most of my anxiety is due to worrying over my health. Usually irrationally. If I feel like I have a symptom of something, I automatically start freaking out. Or if I'm convinced I've acquired some disease or tumor or whatever, I will literally panic on the spot uncontrollably.

The main physical symptoms I experience are as follows:
Stomach discomfort/diarrhea
Dizziness/feeling lightheaded
Shaking and trembling
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness and discomfort

I of course experience psychological symptoms as well, but I don't want to make this a mile-long post. But basically, I'm in constant fear of my body and health, despite the fact that I'm still young and an otherwise (as far as I know) healthy individual. In the midst of panicking, however, I can't look at anything logically.
I used to have them as well as OCD. This was at the time when there was the 'compulsory conscription' for my country, and being forced to use firearms despite having chronic insomnia (I was worried that I may black out and accidentally hurt someone during live range or exercises) and hating loud noises (anticipating them) and threatening officers. At the same time, there was financial problems, family problems and health problems.

After that period, it got better when I got to uni, since I was mostly worried only about grades and the quiet studying helped. Still was anxious but not as much.

After that, some extremely unpleasant things happened and I was panicking very often. Then I left the situation and now am mostly not having them.

For me, it's mostly situational. Like as in... if there's something I'm really worried about, even when there's nothing I can really do about it. Once I'm out of it, I usually recover by doing things I like, engaging in my hobbies and such...
I use to have some stuff.. I guess they were panic attacks.. for example I thought i couldn't breathe... several times.. like I was getting numb.. I couldn't get outta the house... then In started and they went away.. also had headaches for thre monts non stop, all I can say it wans't cancer..
I just started getting panic attacks a month ago. I really don't know when the extreme ones started, I just remember I didn't feel right at all. At first I thought I was pregnant, and then the real ones started coming around.
I get really nervous, like I know something bad is going to happen. I get light-headed, like I'm in a dream. Usually I think I'm dying. I get heart palpitations, feel like i'm going to collapse, get really shaky. I feel like my head is going to explode.
its quite scary, and i wish i could do something about it.
haven't had a full-blown one in a while though, thank god.


I'm not sure if these were panic attacks but I used to experience heart palpitation to the point where it was almost painful. Along with being short of breath, sometimes even sweating. I used to get these all the time - much of the time for (seemingly) no reason. From out of the blue my heart would start pounding. I'd wake up in the morning and feel my heart racing. I'd eat dinner and the same thing. It also happened while I slept.


Well-known member
The main trigger for my panic attack was my dad leaving me in the car for hours to go gamble.

He would say to me that he had to piss or something and then wouldn't come back for like 2 hours and I would just freak out. It was like my mind was racing, heart beating fast, and I felt like I had to shit myself....

I'm older now and I refuse to let this shit happen any longer so I have not had full blown panic attack in over a year.

My panic attacks come mainly from fear of losing control. I stay in my room most all the time cause I can control most every element of my experience. This way I can stay safe. It kinda sucks balls but its better than having panic attack all the time.


I have had panic attacks for about 5 years.
They seem to go through cycles of getting really bad then getting better for a while, but recently they have just been really bad.
I only get them when I go out to social situations, and my whole body just goes horrible tense and stiff, and I get this weird stress headache/head feeling that feels horrible.


Well-known member
Hey All

I thought i'd open this thread so that we can share our experiences on this dreadful subject

Have you ever had panic attacks? what triggers them and what symptoms do you usually get?

I usually only get panic attacks when i am concerned about my health and i am afraid that there is something terribly wrong with me (disease,etc) it usually starts while i am sleeping i suddenly become restless, then i get stomach cramps, i start sweating or i get cold chills, i lose my appetite, i feel as if i am outside of my body, lose my concentration and i can't stop thinking about the same thing over and over.... so in a few words it's worse than hell

what about you people?

wow the same thing happens to me. I knew it was something psychological