pain in myelft side rib cage ?


:confused: when i press on a certain area i get a pain its been there a few days im not sure what it is the only thing i can thing of is i slept on my side all night and it may have bruised that area im a bit worried :confused::confused:::(:


someone please help i can get picstures of where the pain is coming from im worried but i cant see doctor as i have already seen him and they will be anoyed by me going to many times.

I have asharp pain in my stomach as well the area where the pain is coming from is about 2inches in diameter and hurts really bad when i press down

Well-known member
Go and see another doctor. But don't worry about them being 'annoyed' - its there job to see patients. If its hurting that much, you're much better off seeing a professional.


i asked my mum who is a nurse and her response was its not on the right side so its no problem

she doesnt seem to care much so it must be ok


Staff member
go back to the docs and say the pain has not subsided.

get a second opinion if he fobs you off