Overweight and Social Anxiety :S


Well-known member
Just wondered whether or not any one here is over weight or not happy with there figure and feel it makes it even harder to cope with Sa.

I am overweight , not by a massive amount but years ago i used to be very overweight when i was 20 yr old . Now at 23 i have lost the weight around my face , neck, arms , legs and feet but cant shift the last saggy skin stomach/chest.

Most of the time i feel like i don't want anyone to look at me because i feel ashamed of how i look and just wish i was thin. It contributes loads i think to the general confidence , if i could lose the last ****ty bit i think i would give myself the extra kick to do something about my life .

Just feel trapped sorry for the long one.



Well-known member
Hey I get what you mean and how you feel. I am in the same situation with you. Used to be not just o/w but obesed and was very much teased in school for that. It's somehow haunted much even till today when I've lost a tremendous amount (well, part of the reason I was anorexic because of the teasing). Sometimes when I'm out and people look at me, I'll have this feeling that they are laughing at me for the way I look, when actually I'm no longer that fat girl I used to be.

It has indeed affect my lifestyle alot, because of this issue I often back out from outings i've planned. It could even get to me so badly that I wasn't even able to walk out of the house to get myself a meal because I don't want to be seen by people!

You're not alone and there's nothing to be ashamed about, I'm trying hard to accept that it's all in the past so you should too! :)

P/S: sorry for the long reply :x


Well-known member
I'm apparently at a healthy weight, but from weeks on end of barely leaving my house I can definitely feel out of shape. My weight is something that I worry about constantly because about half my family is overweight. So I guess in some way my anxiety about following in some people in my family's footsteps, I've managed to stay at a healthy weight.

You shouldn't be ashamed though. You said you've already lost some weight, right? You should be proud of that! I think what it really takes is consistency and an overall change in how you live (primarily eating habits and level of activity). If you keep that up, I think you'll keep seeing results, even if you may hit a plateau at some point.
Losing weight will not make your life any different as far as how people react towards you. No one cares about your weight and how you look no more than you do. If you do decide to lose weight, remember to do it for you, and no one else, then maybe it might help you. If you feel losing weight would benefit your health and also make you feel more comfortable as a person, then go for it.