Overcoming SA, Trauma, Insecurity, Depression: The Think Tank


Well-known member
I decided to open this thread to discuss with people various ways and changes one needs to go through in themselves and their lives in-order to overcome any traumas, past experiences that influenced them negatively and lead them to live a life of suffering..

The realization that the issue is that going through a traumatic event during childhood can impose a form of strong mental conditioning that is hard to get over. The main cause is psychological but also epi-genetic in cases. This is terrible as it limits the sufferer from being in their fullest potential or health hence affecting their relations, career, health and various aspects of life in general.

The good news is that it is no a disease or a genetic condition unless you suffer from something severe like autism or relevant..

I have changed a lot as a person.. In 2.5 years I changed plenty in myself and I believe I over-came 65% of my anxiety, fears and insecurities with more to get over with.. I relied little on counseling and for the most part worked on myself..

Though my feelings of insecurity still linger like a hard wired code inside my head, despite how well my life is going at times.. They dont affect me as they used to do and I dont dwell into horrible forms of depression like I used to do anymore but I find it desperately necessary adapt and over-come the last bits of insecurity in-order to reach my full potential as a human..

I wish to make this thread as group discussion for people that wish to do the same and share my insight about this situation.. Lets post how we are slowly growing and gaining high ground as we invest in ourselves.


Well-known member
Honestly, i dont think my problem is in the past or is any trauma...

my problem is right now and the rest of my life! I fear my future and the present is horrible, everyday is a struggle and the fight to get better is even worse... i improved a lot in the past months, but i still the same... i just want to give up , i wish i could lose all my dreams and expectations and just wait for my death alone