Overcoming anxiety natually


Well-known member
To whoever is trying to overcome their anxiety/depression or other related issues natually, (by means without medication) how are you finding it? Can anxiety/depression be overcome without meds? How are you treating your SA on an everyday basis?
I've decided the only way for me to get better is to start small and take one thing at a time. I know my depression comes from my anxiety, so if I go out everyday, write down goals for each day so I have to go for it, even if I don't feel like it, I think that's the only way for me to get my confidence up and to start achieving for myself. It's this or I can seriously see myself staying in my room all day feeling sorry for myself which has been for the past years and I'm tired of it. This has turned out to be a positive post... It's already beginning!
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Well-known member
Awesome post! ..and well done on your decision to try to get better on your own. It does begin when you decide it begins. I always love the saying when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, its time to do something about it.

Can anxiety and depression be overcome without medication? The short answer is yes it can. Goal setting and confidence building is a great start and I applaud your effort. From my experience, the thing I would add is try to look at your goals as an enjoyable thing, a way to better yourself and a thing that you really want and not something that you have to do in order to get better. If you try to use goals just to stop anxiety and depression it will likely be short lived…but if you love it and live it and want it, you can really improve confidence long term in my opinion. One day you may just wake up and realize how much you’ve improved.


Well-known member
I highly recomend you purchase some Rescue Remedy drops.
It's available from chemists such as boots and holland and barrats too :).
It's not a medication,
But a herbal remedy that calms the system :).
Me and my cousin both invested in this.
And we find it helps through very stressful times.
Plus, you don't have to take it at certain times!
It's small, convinient and you can use it at any time you want.
You can even put a few drops in water and sip at it through the day :).
I HIGHLY recommend it.
But if you still class it as unnatural then thats fine :).
Best wishes :)


Well-known member
Great work on starting to move forward! I myself have made great strides in regard to anxiety and most anxiety-provoking situations no longer pose a major difficulty for me. For me anxiety works on a scale of 1-100, with 100 being very strong anxiety. In many cases, my anxiety is now 1, but there are still challenges that can bring my anxiety up to a 50 or so. But, the point is that life has gotten better, mostly without medication.

What I can tell you about medication is that it can be helpful and you are right to be cautious about it, but it is not required. For me, it helped to take down that anxiety from 50 to 25, and all I took was a small does of Lexapro - 10 mg. I am looking to get back off the medication some time this year probably. The steps that I took that helped me to reduce my anxiety were regular exercise, healthy dieting, 3 months of counseling, making supportive friends, and challenging myself to get better just like you are doing. It took me about 4-5 years of hard work to get this far, but each year I noticed lesser anxiety. Good start, and the big thing to remember is just to stick with it!


I think proper nutrition is the way to go. .. as well as mental nutrition ie the right ideas, etc. informational "nutrition". haha, I sound like a quack, but yeah you know what I mean. lol it's just information.

I wish I could just take a pill that could modify my thoughts, ie. make you think a certain thing or not make you think a certain thing. that might be too sophisticated, how can a pill which modifies chemicals, do such a thing as modify conceptual thought? maybe emitting messages or information, ie beaming thoughts into ones mind might also work... as a way of conceptual modification. hmm...

or you could just do it manually if you are able.. combined with nutrition.

anxiety may not just be the result of chemical or nutritional imbalances but also conceptual, situational and even behavioural disorder or imbalances, deficiencies or excessiveness. any kind of 'imbalance' or 'inadequacy'.

sorry.. I'm out of it today...
Yes yes yes! I definitely believe that anxiety can be cured without medication. Some people need to take medication, but everyone has a different way of recovering from SA and all that, and if you've tried medications and they're not working for you I'd recommend trying something else.
I am getting therapy, reading self help books and doing anxiety workbooks, eating well and exercising regularly. And it's working for me! I just started back at college this week after a year of being badly agoraphobic and hardly leaving the house. So it's possible!
I think that people with SA and various types of anxiety have different issues they need to face when they've trying to overcome anxiety. For me, my problem was avoiding the situation because I was so terrified of the anxiety. When I had panic attacks, they passed and went away and then I would recover. But the next time I would avoid that feeling all I could. The actual panic wasn't my main issue, it was the avoidance and procrastination of that panic. So medication wouldn't affect that all that much.
I think give other things a go, it could work for you! Good luck! :D


Well-known member
i didnt read the post and i wont come back , because i'm just putting my nose here after reading the post name , so you are free to beat me around if i say something that seems to be very very stupid but is right and just out of context... because i'm always right. :roll: and i'm modest

my steps to become anxiety free, or not

-FIRST THING, make a huge effort to not give a damn about anything, not even your own butt, if you don't care, you can be anxious , but you don't have why!

-SECOND THING, stop being a cry baby, the world is bold, you always have two ways, YOU choose , an example, you see that cute boy/girl/hermafrodit in that you are madly in love with (or you think), you may either, one do something, two do nothing, choose an option and live with it, if you are freaking out about it, is because you're giving a damn... go to the first step

am i an egocentrical uncaring son of a bitchw?, maybe, but i'm starting to live


New member
Binaural beats...

I've been doing a sort of assisted meditation that seems to really help a lot. There is something called binaural beats, that when listened to through headphones stimulates a certain kind of brain activity that I find very calming. Its kind of hard to explain, but definitely worth looking into. I've been trying to find some other people that use the same technique to see how it works out for them. I found an article about it here - http://www.squidoo.com/curesocialphobia

Let me know what you guys think!


Well-known member
I'm going to learn meditation. If you can learn to shut your mind up, you will be able to control it. I've realized over the past few years I never stop thinking... Relaxing is the key, none of us here are ever relaxed in our various achilles-heel situations. I'm positive that meditation will, if not cure, highly benefit me.


Well-known member
The best way to treat anxiety is to stay relaxed. Obviously the best way to manage stress is to avoid it completely. If this isn’t an option for you, you’ll need to find some way to unwind. You may listen to relaxing music or watch a funny movie, whatever works for you.
A great way to overcome anxiety is to focus on your breathing. You can take slow deep breaths anytime you start to feel anxious. This can also help you during an attack.
Next time you start to feel anxiety, try some visualization techniques. There are several you could try. One exercise is to visualize your self being completely relaxed in a beautiful, soothing location until your anxiety passes.