over restrictive parents?


Hi All,
I'm new here and would like to get an opinion.
Do you think our social shyness, anxiety, ect are stemmed by having an over restrictive parent(s)?
I am thinking in my situation it sure did help.
My mom, dad not active, was very restrictive and we were strict Christians. Thus I was not allowed to do some normal things. Or normal things I would veiw today. One example, would be to roam the neiborhood. we had a small neighborhood but basically if the familly was not our same religion i could not play with them. So my freindship base was very limitited by my mother. Like in this day, I would not be allowed to have a cell phone, or have a facebook, shoot i bet I would not be allowed to surf the internet at all. she was this over protective, and I beleive it allowed for some social developement to pass me by. Is this about the same for you guys? I mean I'm not blaming my parents but I do think they kinda started this social problem.


Well-known member
My parents were overprotective too, and partly very Catholic.. so I can relate..

I could play with kids of the street (everyone was Catholic here anyway), usually we played at our house though.. Mom wouldn't let us climb trees or windows, and Dad scared us in teenage years how 'boys only want one thing' and to stay away.. (which is not true, maybe it did keep us out of some trouble though..) & now he wants grandkids! Ha!

Brooklynn I agree caring parents are better than non-caring, however some parents can be overprotective and 'not caring' in another way too.. Dad could get angry quickly and was absent a lot too.. Mom sometimes worked overtime a lot too.. so, hm?


not actually Fiona Apple
Hi All,
I'm new here and would like to get an opinion.
Do you think our social shyness, anxiety, ect are stemmed by having an over restrictive parent(s)?
I am thinking in my situation it sure did help.
My mom, dad not active, was very restrictive and we were strict Christians. Thus I was not allowed to do some normal things. Or normal things I would veiw today. One example, would be to roam the neiborhood. we had a small neighborhood but basically if the familly was not our same religion i could not play with them. So my freindship base was very limitited by my mother. Like in this day, I would not be allowed to have a cell phone, or have a facebook, shoot i bet I would not be allowed to surf the internet at all. she was this over protective, and I beleive it allowed for some social developement to pass me by. Is this about the same for you guys? I mean I'm not blaming my parents but I do think they kinda started this social problem.

It may be the lack of experience in social situations the stemmed from there over-protectiveness that contributed. I did a half hour presentation for psych on social phobia last spring and I remember that.

This is actually what I wrote on my slide

"- Limited social opportunities (Overprotective parents)"


Well-known member
One example, would be to roam the neiborhood.

When I was very young and my brother and I lived with our biological mother, she wouldn't let us go outside that much. She would tell us that an escaped convict was loose.

Also, about the religious thing, my biological mother was sort of religious. It wasn't that bad, but I remember us going to the graveyard to visit her father's grave. She would get on her knees and start crying and praying very loud and like talking loud and raising her hands to the sky. Used to scare the sh!t out of me. She would also like read to us from the bible and make us listen for like two hours. I would ask her if we could stop and go play and she would say, "okay, just pray to God and tell him that you would rather go play instead of listen".

I live in the bible belt so that kind of stuff isn't really a big deal to me. I think stuff like that is part of the reason that I denounced all that stuff.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Yes I definitely think overprotective or overrestrictive parenting can contribute to SA tendencies. I think that anything that shelters a child from a wide range of experiences during their formative years restricts that person's ability to deal confidently with those situations when they reach adulthood.