Over analyzing people


Well-known member
Do you find yourself over-analyzing people and situations?

When talking to people I look at their face and eyes and try to make out from their expressions, what they are thinking when they are talking to me.


Yea its common for us SAers to over-analyze just about everything. It's something you should consciously try to stop doing and eventually it will become subconcious. Word



Well-known member
Yea I do this. But I analyse after it happens not during. My mind goes back to how I looked, what I was saying, what the other person was thinking etc. My mind is too slow to analyze right there and then. It does annoy me when I think like this though because I should know better because I should really not give a crap what another person thinks of me.


Yea I find it the worst after a situation too. Sometimes the over-analyzing even won't shut off at night. It suxx hardcore just having racing thoughts all night then being exhausted the next day. SA can lick my *insert expletive*!



Yea I find it the worst after a situation too. Sometimes the over-analyzing even won't shut off at night. It suxx hardcore just having racing thoughts all night then being exhausted the next day. SA can lick my *insert expletive*!



New member
recluse said:
Do you find yourself over-analyzing people and situations?

When talking to people I look at their face and eyes and try to make out from their expressions, what they are thinking when they are talking to me.

I do this all the time! It can be a bit wearing at times to say the least. :(
I'd love to simply not give a toss what people are thinking of me, but i can't seem to help it. :cry: