Other disorders


Well-known member
Does anyone here just suffer from plain old SA? I would guess that there are probably a lot of people with other ailments mixed in. I suffer from SA, depression, GAD and OCD. Sometimes they all seem intertwined. SA and OCD are my primary disorders. I wonder,sometimes, if they are related or whether I'm just awfully unlucky. :(


Well-known member
Well its common for people with SA to have OCD. I have symptoms of OCD, don't know if its a disorder though.


Well-known member
I have SA, agoraphobia, GAD, and sometimes depression. I think I have dermatillomania, body dysmorphic disorder and mild bipolar type 2, but I have enough to deal with in therapy so I'm not going to even bother saying anything to my psychologist.


I also have depression and GAD
but I think I'm also slightly OCD
I like things in their place and ordered and routine is good


Well-known member
I also have other disorders as well as SA,

I have OCD as my main other one, but i am now thinking that i may have Agoraphobia too.....they are all definately linked though....playing off each other sometimes...!!! they also make me depressed sometimes too...

When i'm out i have Social Phobia and when i'm in the house and in some other situations i have OCD.....i can't win.... :oops:



Well-known member
if you think about it thought everyone in the world got a symptom atleast of one disorder. like everyone in da world (fact) has autistic tendentcys, like waking in the mornin, washing face etc all routines that all human being live by. i hvae alot of AvPD, deprerssion sometimes, and i swaer im abit schitzotypical personality disorder (not schitzaphrenia) where people belive the certain events have hidden meaning, and they have 'magical thinking and have very odd belives. but i think this is normal, i had a dream one morning, just before i woke up, i was my firend sarah waing at the bus stop,next to a bald man with a black coat. an hour later, not getting on my usual bus, there she was, next to the bald man, i could seee her in the saem percpetive as in my dream, now tell me that aint wierd, so even tho genraly i have got it, but i dont belive i have coz these things cant be explained by science, so there we go.lol


Well-known member
I have social phobia, depression and general anxiety...also I have never been diagnosed with it, but I think I'm a bit obsessive compulsive.


Well-known member
Well, I have Social phobia and agoraphobia. I sometimes go through periods of depression, but as they only usually last two or three weeks, I don't really think it can be called depression in the clinical form. It's more likely to be cycles of unhappiness. I don't have OCD, but I do have a few OCD tendancies, such as feeling like I have to wash my hands three or seven times in a row after touching anything I deem as dirty. (My list here is rather strange though, I don't think anything of stroking my dogs for example, but hate library books - You never know who's touched them, or with what on their hands...)


Active member
I have SA and PTSD, which most likely lead to the SA. I also think I have Paraniod Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, and maybe Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Most often what I lack is the depression aspects.