Oscars 2011

Best 2011 Movie?


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  • HUGO

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    Votes: 2 33.3%

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  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

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Oscars 2012

Today I was discussing with my mate the nominations to oscars. I'm more about the Globes and we got to chat for a time about the differences of them...
My question is about what was for you the best movie of the year, the motive of the choice and what are your opinion about OSCARS VS GLOBES.

PS: U can also commente about any other movie that in your opinion could be on the list!
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Well-known member
I haven't seen all those movies but I really liked The Tree Of Life I hope it wins or for best cinematography also I don't know if Melancholia can be in the running or not but it'll most likely be Clooney just like the Golden Globes I don't see any difference between the two besides the fact that the Oscars are more "formal" and with "prestige".

But did you know that the Oscars are bombarded with movie critiques that have no sense of humor and can't have fun? they're always looking for the dramatic side of things. i.e out of all the good movies that came out in 2001 and it was Chicago that won?? Did you know that last year The Kings Speech won?

The Oscars really isn't about good movies all the time it's about the quality of acting and the high class. I would never expect a movie I like to win because of this.


Well-known member
I haven't seen any of these... Ooh, it was the Oscars already? Or when will that be?
I keep meaning to watch, but usually don't get round to it...

Oscars are more about the dresses & such, no? :)

I liked The King's Speech though, it was a great movie!! :)
Very good for anyone with SA too...

Some years some very boring movies won indeed... I hear it can be a lot about 'schmoozing' up to right people too (?)
I have not seen any of these movies. Generally, I've only seen one or two of the movies nominated. (Are there more movies nominated this year or is it just me??)

I've only seen half of Bridesmaids, but I'm really happy for Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and company. Comedic movies don't often get nominated. In what I saw, MC was great. She'll always be Sookie from Gilmore Girls in my heart. <3 And in my nerdy head, Lauren Graham (Lorelai) is freaking out and congratulating her. I'm going to go crawl in my little corner now.