Only me


Folks, by complete chance I stumbled upon this website and I can quite simply say it's a revelation. I've just joined after a few days of reading posts.

To know there are people out there with exactly the same afflication, and that theres a place to go to discuss it with sympathetic people is such a relief.

Until around this time last year, I considered myself wierd, now I know I've got SA without a shadow of a doubt!

I've got so many things to add, and so many topics to post on, it may take some time, like opening the floodgates, but they say talking helps right?

I've always wondered why when I meet people at first they are friendly, then look at me strangely, then cold, then do everything to avoid me.

I've always wondered why I can't look anyone ( friends, family, nevermind strangers ) in the eye.

I've always wondered why in supermarket queues I want the ground to open up.

I've always wondered why people stare a lot ( and I mean stare, not a look then glance away, but STARE to the point where I feel desperately uncomfortable ).

Now I know, and I know I'm not alone.

Having read books, done the Hypnosis CDs and researched it on the net endlessly, without much success, it seems that this site could be of the greatest help, so I would like to thank each and every one of you, as I no longer feel alone, and a freak.

Another thing I'd like to say is the people on here appear to be some of the most genuine, friendly, pleasant, helpful, positive, funny, people around, again I am deeply impressed, yet deeply saddened that people such as us have to suffer while the majority sail through life ( many of them a-holes ).

And finally, flicking through the pics section ( mine'll be there soon ), some of the most pleasant, attractive, smiley people as well, I was expecting to see pics of scowling doom merchants!

Anyway, thought I'd just say Hi, a 35 year old male from UK.

Chat soon folks


Well-known member
I have the same problems and i stumbled upon this website just 2 days ago and i'm glad i did. The only thing is i dont think i'm wierd, it's just the fact i always think i don't look good enough at the moment. Many times girls look at me with interest and smile and i do start a conversation and talk to many of 'em but the fact remains that i always feel constant anxiety that i don't look good or that ppl r watchin and i monitor my each move. Anyways, welcome and we'll keep in touch, everyone here has the same probs.::(:


welcome mate

i hate supermarket queues, i feel like im going to collapse!

these people that STARE. i hate them too. ive learned to stare back at them, and see how long it takes them to FK OFF! i always win that battle, lol.

you mentioned SELF HYPNOSIS, it works for me sometimes, but i have to be in a really quite place, no phone, switch the doorbell/buzzer off etc etc

it didnt work to begin with but that was cause i was TRYING TO RELAX

once that happens, your not thinking anything, your mind is blank (its switched off)

dont try it in the bath though!, cause i did and i woke up the next day and the water was freezing cold!!


Well-known member
I've always wondered why when I meet people at first they are friendly, then look at me strangely, then cold, then do everything to avoid me.
true with me. people avoid me because they feel so awkward around me.