Online university


Well-known member
Have anyone taken online classes, is this type of arrangement better for people like us? There's no way I can attend a traditional college.


not actually Fiona Apple
I took an online class in high school, and I think it's easier but still had it's drawbacks. While you do not have to worry about any of the face to face communication, you still must communicate with others. And many of the assignments are posted for all the other students to view, and sometimes it is required to comment and be commented on. So there is no back of the room, everyone must contribute and be heard.

That being said, I would still recommend it. I am not sure about how an online degree would differ from a traditional one in a job-searching, and I think learning is easier in a classroom setting, but socially it is easier than a traditional classroom.
I took several online classes in college. It's great because you don't have to go to class, but that's about the only plus. You actually have to read your textbook and if you don't understand something, it's hard to learn it from someone over the computer. It really depends on the class that you are taking. Medical Terminology was easy because it's mostly definitions. Composition and Biology were rough because they involve interaction with the teacher. I highly recommend never taking Composition online. I was a mostly A/B student, but I barely held on to a C in that class.
I have been considering this too, I am 32 and have grey hair and the thought of attending a traditional college frightens me unbelievably, so I reckon its the Open Uni for me::(: