one question, someone reply?

Darker Than Black

Well-known member
I was wondering why when some people attempt suicide and survive or telling somebody they tried suicide, that person would usually stop talking to the victim???

I was talking to a classmate:

I was like

"suicide is always another option..."

and he was like

"U R stupid man"

"If you ever tell that to ur roomates, they will never talk to u again"



well its like this, people who are not depressed or suicidal dont want to hang around with people who are.
i know exactly how you feel, its like everyone you know moves on and then doesnt want to know you.
dont be fooled for a minute by all these happy familys carry on (its all fake)
im past the stage of caring what folk think of me!
mind you im a 32 year old scottish nutcase! so ive got a licence to be fearless!


Well-known member
i don't know... maybe they feel responsible, and try to get out of a situation where they will have someone depending on them... not sure :/


Well-known member
Honestly, I think Just Shadows hit the nail right in the head. I was 12 or 13 years old when I last had a conversation with my father, in which he confessed he'd been thinking about *necking himself*, and the only reason he didn't was because of me. I already had an incredibly fragile relationship with my dad, and because of that, I haven't spoken to him since.

I'm not going to say it's pathetic or stupid, I think the majority of ALL people have suicidal thought/s at some stage, but there's just some things you're meant to keep to yourself. In my case, I was only an impressionable child, what was I meant to think/say/do? I wanted nothing to do with it, and still don't.