Ok so there's this doctor...


Well-known member
Who my family asked for help, in order to obtain my medication without any hassles and to save us searching from clinic to clinic to find out whether or not they have it. I appreciate the help of course. But every time I see him he behaves in a bit of a rude fashion. He always tells me not to round my shoulders and not to walk like I'm carrying the world upon them. To me I'm just walking like normal. Another thing he does is trying to gee me up, and he tells me I should "be like a man." I can only assume because my demeanour and body language is poor. But what am I portraying? A female? It makes me feel even more embarrassed when he speaks to me like this.

I don't know, but this puts even more negative thoughts in my head. Does anyone come across people like this? People who seem to take it personally that you lack confidence.


Well-known member
Say it to him, if he doesn't adjust himself to you, throw him out.
Don't take that last 3 words too serious.::p:
If he doesn't change his behaviour to you, I would say, do the same thing to him as he does to you. For example:
Doctor: Don't walk like that.
You: Go brush your teeth, your breath stinks !


Well-known member
Hi. This doctor in my opinion is acting like your father or someone who knows you extremely well. If neither of these are the case I suggest he is out of line, and that you should either tell him that you find some of his comments hurtful and who do he think he is.

The only person I have come across that acted like this to me is my Dad!!!
It may be something that's more on his part. Many military trained/based people don't like things that don't run like clockwork or not... I don't know how to call it. Basically, it's rigid discipline and things that don't conform to that stands out to these people.

It's not just military people. Could be anyone. Just let it slide if you can.


Well-known member
Doctor: Don't walk like that.
You: Go brush your teeth, your breath stinks !

I'm not really sure, but he gives me the impression that he wants me answer him back like that. A "manly" response perhaps. But that's just not my way.

Yeah cobalt my dad used to treat me that way along time ago. It's not so bad these days, but it definitely had an impact on me. It's almost as if these people feel that ridiculing you will make you more of a "man". Don't they understand that it just casts more doubt in you?

And he does seem like a disciplinarian dronee. Don't think he has a military background though. Maybe I should just ignore it.