ok so does social anxiety develope after panic attacks..


I have been doing some thinking and was wondering if anyone elses s.a stemmed from panic attacks...I remember as soon as I got my first panic attack I was getting massive waves of anxiety and panic for a few months and as it slowly reduced I had already created the fear of what situations brought it on and what to avoid so now do you think that we are still living in fear of having another attack which is why we have developed this so called "social anxiety" ... im sorry i needed to rant as it is rlly starting to piss me off and im becoming obsessed!!!


Well-known member
Hey jess, it's ok feel free to rant here anytime.

To prevent panic attacks, you could try a gluten and/or lactose free diet. A lot of the time 'panic disorder' and/or panic attacks are caused by your body's reaction to food intolerances, mainly gluten intolerance and/or lactose intolerance.


oh no I havnt got a panic attack for a long time now, but I have developed a social phobia bcoz of when I used to get them I would avoid anywhere that brought them on so now trying to get back to normal and have developed more social anxiety coz I keep thinking im going to stuff up or embaress myself by getting one its rlly **** :-(


Well-known member
I had anxiety long before I had my first panic attack. My first panic attack resulted from all my anxious and angry thoughts just boiling over. I think the panic attack was my mind simply saying enough. The anxious thoughts were replaced with worrying that I was dieing.


Well-known member
I would say there is a link yes, my problems started around four year ago, i had dropped out of college, had no job etc and was drinking a lot every day ( around 2-3 litres of cider) . I sarted getting panic attacks on a daily basis and after around four months i had developed deep social anxiety, to the point where i was nearly paralysed with fear when leaving the house.
Obviously sa and sp differs from person to person so nobody can say for sure if panic attacks do lead to sa, but for me i do feel there was a definate connection.


Well-known member
All sorts of things can trigger it. For a lot of us, it's something that goes back a long time and often there's no definite cause so it can be hard to put your finger on where it all began. I've only had one panic attack in my life, about six years ago now. It was just an isolated incident and I had anxiety long before that, but I guess for others it may well start out from something like that.


yes I would say i had anger issues in early years up untill i was 12 but i was very outgoing in primary school then when i started high school it started i was shy and i got picked on by a few girls and guys so yeah i started avoiding drama classes!! and english when i had to do speeches etc then after high school i started taking recreational drugs on weekends then one night i had an e and had the worst panic attack u cud imagine and i had massive waves of attacks for 5 months or so after that then it started to reduce and now im left with s.a higher then b4 my attacks and now i feel so fkn **** and getting into a depression again bcoz of it which of course makes it worse again...its all fukd up seriously!!!