Oh, possum...


Well-known member
I've got problems!

Yesterday I took a baby possum away from my aunts dog, it's so cute, about the size of a kitten and old enouph to eat solid food and drink by its self. At first I didnt think he was hurt very bad, he walks around and sniffs stuff and eats and messes regularly. I thought I'd be able to keep him until his dogbite healed and he got big enouph to live on his own, but then when I got home today and checked his wound again I found (shudder) maggots in it. That is NOT a good sighn. I picked the maggots out as best as I could and irrigated it with peroxide and slathered neosporin on it and made a little dressing over it, but I feel really bad. I cant take him to a vet, because Im flat ass broke and even if I did it's illegal to keep wild animals in this state so they'd just fine me and put him to sleep. :(

God, I hope he either gets better, or dies soon. I cant stand to see a little animal suffer. I'm afraid if his wound gets worse, I'll have to ...you know. But I dont think Ive got the balls.

Life sucks, man.


Well-known member
aren't there animal rescue groups you could go to for help? I'm sure they wouldn't care about the no wild animals laws.


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Well-known member
Just in case anyone was wondering, Antubis (that's what Ive been calling the possum) is still alive! This is the third day I've had him, and while he's not looking better, he's not looking worse either! He doesnt eat or drink much, but occasionally he'll come out of his little 'burrow' and sniff around a little. I havent caught him eating again, but he's been using the bathroom a lot, so I assume he's getting the material from somewhere.

I took him out to put more neosporin on his wound, and I think it looks okay. It's suprisingly clean. There's no pus that I can see, and it looks like it's scabbing over in one place. And the maggots, (I will never, EVER get that image out of my head.) just may have been a GOOD thing, like Haru said! I read that they selectively eat dead tissue, and their waste has anti-biotic properties. Doctors and vets sometimes intentionally introduce maggots into an open wound to eat out the infection. It's called maggot therepy. Who'd a thunk it?!

I'm still worried though. He's really small, and I try not to handle him anymore than absolutely necessary, but he seems pretty skinny. I wonder if his mother couldnt carry him anymore and abandoned him.(I read that possums typically have 10+ in a litter, but can only carry 6 tops on their back to adolesence.) That would explain how the hell my aunt's dog got a hold of a possum in broad daylight. Poor little guy!

Thank you for the links, guys. Haru, I did find a shelter near my city on that list and called them, but they said that they were only permitted to accept parrots, small animals and exotic pets. (Apparently, they could take an alstrailian possum, because it's not local and would qualify as an "exotic pet". stupid law!) The lady told me I should take him to the game warden. F-that! They'd just fine the hell out of me for keeping a wild animal for more than 24 hours and put Antubis down! I REFUSE to give up on the little guy, it's not too late!! The last thing to die is hope!

Other than that, I told some of the people in my class I was trying to take care of a hurt baby possum, and all they had to say was, "A possum? Eww. Why?" What the?! What's wrong with possums?! They're giant rats that eat garbage and road-kill? Phooey! They wouldnt say that if they saw how cute his little face is. ^_^

...I know all this is irrelevant to SA but, hell it's weighing on me and I've got to tell somebody!


Well-known member
Hey Noblame, glad to hear the little guy's doing ok :) Maybe you could call one of the rehab centres specifically for possums (haha, just got an image of alcoholic possums!) for some advice? I'm sure they'd be happy to advise you on feeding and care etc, even if they're not in your area.