Office Xmas Party Time Again

Yeah, we have 3 also- one is for people with kids, which would be great for my son but he is sooo outgoing and I feel too shy to take him...isn't that terrible?! I'm sure I will but it will be difficult trying to hide SA from my co workers AND my son.

And more bad news, there IS going to be dancing at the gdamned party


Well-known member
Steve-182 said:
Question: What's worse than one work Christmas party?

Answer: SEVERAL Christmas parties !!! There's been 3 announced !!! Departmental, Section, and Company-wide !!!!!!!

Word that comes to mind: Overkill. :(

Or as Keanu Reeves would say: Whoa!

I could handle a departmental one, though we just usually have a team lunch, but that would still leave 2 parties to get out of. Ouch.

It does seem like an overkill. Even when I worked for big companies, I've never heard of more than 1 Christmas party!

So what are you going to do? Go to any? Avoid them all?