OCD without the rituals? 2 questions.


Well-known member
2 things.

1. Can you have OCD without the cimpulsions?

2. The other day, I thought I was gonna be a murderer, If felt like apsolute shit for 3 days. I wanted to die, wanted to rid myself of the world and was terrorfied.

Once I found out it was possibly OCD I calmed down heaps, Infact, I dont get anxious as much.

The only thing is, I still have some intrusive thoughts (I wont go into detail) about random peeps at school or what not. Now, I dont get anxious from them anymore, however I still close my eyes and kinda bow my head to "wipe" the memories or something

Is this normal? I think I may have mild OCD


Well-known member
Yeah you can, and that sounds like pure OCD. Usually pure-o will be something like what your having, or having fear of being gay or any other kind of obsessive fear without some form of compulsion.

You can read up more about it here or do a search on Google.
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Well-known member
It's pure O, and people here say it's more difficult than OCD. Also, I think all the people with pure O that whose posts I've read said their obsession were about murdering people. Weird.


Super Moderator
Yes, it is possible. It's called pure O... You only get the intrusive thoughts, but not compulsions.


Well-known member
Well, first you say you wanted to take someone else out and then you say that you wanted to die. Dont understand that. But, this IS NOT OCD. Its a mental issue ,but, its not OCD. As we all know, when you tell a mental health professional that you want to hurt yourself or others you are usually committed and observed until you are deemed safe. Be careful what you say. You should seek some counseling if these thoughts are frequent. Sometimes i say vile things about killing/hurting others ,but, it s out of anger and i dont mean it literally. If you do mean it literally,,there is a big problem that you need to check before it gets out of your control and you do something horrible. Good Luck.


Super Moderator
Well, first you say you wanted to take someone else out and then you say that you wanted to die. Dont understand that. But, this IS NOT OCD. Its a mental issue ,but, its not OCD. As we all know, when you tell a mental health professional that you want to hurt yourself or others you are usually committed and observed until you are deemed safe. Be careful what you say. You should seek some counseling if these thoughts are frequent. Sometimes i say vile things about killing/hurting others ,but, it s out of anger and i dont mean it literally. If you do mean it literally,,there is a big problem that you need to check before it gets out of your control and you do something horrible. Good Luck.

Those are just thoughts caused by OCD =/ They remain as thoughts. Many people with this problem get these disturbing thoughts and worry about hurting others or themselves. Just because they get those kind of thoughts it doesn't mean they are going to act on them.


Well-known member
Well, first you say you wanted to take someone else out and then you say that you wanted to die. Dont understand that. But, this IS NOT OCD. Its a mental issue ,but, its not OCD. As we all know, when you tell a mental health professional that you want to hurt yourself or others you are usually committed and observed until you are deemed safe. Be careful what you say. You should seek some counseling if these thoughts are frequent. Sometimes i say vile things about killing/hurting others ,but, it s out of anger and i dont mean it literally. If you do mean it literally,,there is a big problem that you need to check before it gets out of your control and you do something horrible. Good Luck.

ok, lets get this straight. What I meant was, I was willing to do it over being a murderer. Infact, I doubt I would have done it, seriously I had massive anxiety, I was freaking out. Thinking about it now I would never do it.


Well-known member
Yep. When I was little I had heaps of compulsons. Turning lights on and off until it feels right, re reading paragraphs, counting numbers....


Well-known member
I donthave much anxiety anymore is that normal? Like maybe I have mild Pure O?

Because i was freaking out when I thought I was crazy, then realised that its likley OCD and was fine after that. Every now and then I question of its OCD and kinda freak out a little bit but then go back to normal...


Well-known member
Not really. But that is a common OCD obsession.

Well, maybe I've just happened across more people with pure O who think about murdering people.

@hidingfromtheworld: I think you're getting obsessions and compulsions mixed up. As far as I understand, obsessions are things that the person would never do. It really worries them to be thinking about it, but there's no chance that they will actually do it!


Well-known member
I wouldn't be so quick to say its not pure-o, because he said he had some sort of anxiety. Whether he has learned to ignore the pure-o or not is beyond me. Are you above such a thing? Does it freak you out and make you feel like your not that kind of person but you feel bad for thinking those thoughts? If so, it's pure-o. Even if you don't get anxious anymore, you might not once you learn what's causing it.

Now if you think it's not OCD or your having no regrets of the thoughts, then you should go see a psychiatrist. Either way, maybe you should.


Well-known member
Well, I dont enjoy them if thats what your wondering, Like I said, knowing that its OCD has kinda stopped most of the anxiety. But the thoughts, while not as constant and obsessive are still there and if I think them clearly, I have to look away and shut my eyes as I dont want these thoughts...

When you said it might not be OCD I started getting anxious again....So there you go.


Well-known member
I think its OCD and thats whats not giving me the anxiety, before I knew it was OCD i was so scared..I wish I didn't have these thoughts


Well-known member
Yes, and I think in the scheme of things mine is a more mild version.

+ im at school 6 hours a day on weekdays so I have plenty of things to keep my mind of my thoughts.

Thanks Barry1979


Well-known member
Yeah exactly

I also find that theres now ay I could really be crazy. I was grown up as a good child, no beating, no traumatic events etc... I had compulsions when I was younger doing rituals etc but I self taught myself to get over them. Then the obsessions came. First it was being gay (got over that) and now this, but I think im getting over this to. It sucks eyy