OCD really needs to die.


Well-known member
It drains me out physically and mentally, prevents me from doing things I love, and puts on a great deal of stress on me everyday.
Is it possible to completely get rid of OCD and to prevent it coming back? Has anyone had success in beating OCD?
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Well-known member
The only way to cure OCD is to recondition your brain. You know how society conditions you to believe in something, to behave in a certain way, that's what OCD does, too.

It conditions you slowly, over a long time, to behave in a repetitive and physically/mentally-draining way. And it will only get worse as this mental disorder takes over your mind and alters it.

To recondition your brain you must practise the Buddhist technique of meditation, to clear and empty your mind, and focus on your connection with nature and existence rather than your connection with the things around you.

Meditate like this, detach your mind from your brain, learn to numb your senses mentally, and focus only on yourself, and nothing else.

Do this for 15 minutes a day, everyday, and in 3 months or more, depending on how much effort you put into it, you will have reconditioned your brain to overcome OCD.


You need to basically re-learn the way you process the world around you. I assume that your OCD acts as sort of a conduit to the rest of your life, constantly there and always on guard. Once you are able to curb the compulsions and lessen the obsessions you can begin this process.

I was hospitilized for almost 2 weeks because of my OCD/Depression. I walked in a wreck and walked out nearly compulsion free. I don't know how I was able to convince myself to do this, it was sort of a "bet" I had with myself. But the length of time without giving into my compulsions afforded me the oppurtunity to dilute my OCD so to speak.

It's the hardest thing you can do, but if you have the courage to stop giving in (and therefore reinforcing these thoughts making them normal) you will start to notice it gets easier. I don't really meditate like ashiene does but what works for me is to constantly challenge myself and purposely put myself in situations where I know my anxiety will be tough. You need to recondition your mind.


New member
While you can never completely eliminate OCD, you can get rid of most of your symptoms. There are a number of different things you can do starting with seeing a doctor, psychiatrist or therapist. Or you can read books: there's tons of books out there with lots of techniques for dealing with OCD.

The main technique used in psychology is Cognitive behavioral therapy which is basically just changing the way you think about things that make you anxious or depressed and how you act in response to them. Medication is very effective and also very safe, if you feel like you need it: I know it's helped me a lot. Meditation is also really good, if for nothing else than taking some time out of your day to relax which will relieve a lot of long term stress that gets built up. Excercise, healthy diet, . . .

I was about where you are six months ago, but my psychiatrist gave me some medication and I've been seeing a psychologist/therapist who has helped me change some of my ways of thinking and take positive steps. I've still got some anxiety/OCD behavior, but I'm also still getting better, and I'm much better off than I was before.