OCD and travelling


Well-known member
I also wanted to know if anybody's OCD symptoms go away when you travel. I find I'm not as worried as when I am at home. I find this strange.


Well-known member
I don't know about this - it would be interesting to know. My sister's weight problem went away when she was travelling and living in Asia - she came home like a supermodel!

I think it was because she was on her own and nobody nagged her! :) (And there was some, well, different food around...)
At home, she just ate cookies or played computer games most of the time..

It may be the fun and excitement of adventure, meeting new people, seeing and doing new things... You also sleep in different beds (some say where you sleep can influence your wellbeing and your health too) and maybe you don't expect so much of yourself as you're 'just travelling'... And you can have the freedom to sort of 're-invent' yourself... At least that was kind of my experience.. (I don't know if I have OCD or not, just came to take a look into this sub-forum! :)) Ah, I wish to go to London/UK! :)