Obsessing over a person increases anxiety?


I will select one person I want to impress and obsess over them. I imagine that I am talking to them, and they are listening to me. It's all I do, my every thought is translated into commentary for their imaginary presence.

When I see this person in real life, I am hit with anxiety and panic. It is impossible to talk to them, and I freeze so completely it is hard to move my limbs. I want to run.

The more I think about them, the more my imaginary image of them deviates from reality. They become more expressive, more empathetic.

Why does this happen? I spend most of my time pretending that I have deep and meaningful relationships with people I don't. I see a person who I think looks cool, and I obsess.


Well-known member
Try taking some anxiety medication (benzos work best if you let them melt under your tongue rather than swallowing them) so that you won't have a panic attack and then approach the person and start a light conversation to see what happens. For instance, say something like, "Hey, I like your shirt, where did you get it?" If you ask them questions, they'll have to do most of the talking and when people are complimented they usually enjoy talking about themselves. This way you'll stop obsessing and actually see what the real person is like.