o.0 Compulsion to flick hair?


Well-known member
Okay its hard to describe but I figure 'someone' out there has to have the same thing. I have this thing where at any random point I will put my hands behind my head and flick my hair sometimes only for a second sometime for fifteen minutes straight. It doesn't really effect my life that much.

I have done it since I was a kid so I'm so used to it I hardly notice but my parents have started yelling at me to stop it. I tried a couple of times to hold my arms still when I am about to do it but it literally feels like my arms are cramping up then. It really sucks when your family looks at you like your going crazy. I mean honestly what harm will flicking my hair ever do.


Okay its hard to describe but I figure 'someone' out there has to have the same thing.

I dont have much hair to flick as I normaly have mine cut quite short,But I do have minor compulsions to touch my chin and stuff when Im out and Im feeling nervous.

I think its sort of normal,a reasurance thing.


Well-known member
I see a few people comparing it to touching chin or shifty eyes but like I said its hard to describe and its not a normal action its more like my hands fly to the back of my head and the muscles in my arms all tense up until I've flicked my hair for however long it takes to get my arms to calm down LOL


Well-known member
I'm not sure what does 'flick hair' mean, but almost everyone has his habits. I bit my fingernails until they hurt. I tried to quit this habit, but I coudn't because it was like an outlet valve for anxiety. The solution was not to stop bitting my fingernails, but to stop worrying about it, that is, I still bite them, but it doesn't worry me (I try not to go too far as to hurt my fingers, though). I don't see why you should stop doing this with your hair, but if you want to stop perhaps you should first seek another way to alleviate anxiety (if that's your problem, I'm not sure): meditation, relaxation exercises, an absorbing hobby...
Wow, I also have this.. When i'm in a social situation I always touch my hair, and flip my hair back, sometimes people look at me like im crazy xD,
i have tics.. but i already accepted them.
Once i was singing on a stage, and i had tics , i was singing for judges, and there was a judge who was laughing about it. i felt so embarrassed, there was also a man who said he really found my performance great. because of that, i dont feel ashamed of it anymore, because everyone saw it, and people still liked my performance. So that made me feel good.

the actions of your own, you shouldnt be ashamed of them, its a part of your own, and that is something you should be proud of. ;)
I do this too, i dont wanna feel unnacepted about myself anymore. Since a few days i feel better and I will keep this journey