Now nervous around my can I stop?


New member
Hi all, I'm new to this forum.

There is something that has been bothering me, and I am looking for more perspective and insight into how I can stop this.

My issue is that I often have the tendency to over think things.. It could be work related, family, relationship, whatever. I have been doing this a lot lately with my boyfriend of 5 years. I now feel constantly nervous around him, in terms of I don't know what to say in conversations. It's like I can't be myself, I'm anxious. These feelings started like a seed that was planted 4.5 years ago. One day we went out, about after knowing each other six months, and there was a lull in the conversation..I just didn't have anything to say. (And I'm a person that is always trying to fill the silence, so you can imagine how I felt). From that moment, I went home and had this thought, what if we arent meant to be because we didn't have anything to say for those few minutes? It sounds ridiculous, I know, but it just popped into my head. Rationally, it sounded silly, so I didn't think much of it.
Over the next couple of years, I would feel nervous in conversations, like I was trying to think of something to say, a few times here and was rare, but still happened. I was completely crazy about him, very in love, so I thought I was making a mountain out of a molehill as this was the only single thing that was 'wrong'. Although it was the fear of 'what If hes not the one' that kept leaking into my mind. I had no basis to feel this way, but I was so afraid *if* that were true, and that idea infected my thoughts..I couldn't stop thinking about the what ifs, which made me concentrate on everything I said and every moment. Sometimes I almost want to avoid just the two of us going out together now, because I am afraid of having nothing to say. I've put so much weight on this that I don't know how to take it off.

To add to this, the last two years he has been working a lot to build his company. He works at home, so he'll be up until say 3-4AM and will have one full weekend day, maybe two nights where he is free and we can go out together. I have been understanding of his working alot...until lately I got really, really, sick of it. I'm telling you this background because I think it is a big part of my issue.

Thank you in advance for any thoughts on what I can do about this. I want to be with him... I just want to stop obsessing about what to say and making this an issue.


Well-known member
Hmm. Didn't really think conversational skills were what made the relationship. I mean eventually people run out of stuff to say right? Especially in the long term. Perhaps just come to terms with not having anything to say all the time I guess.

Yours Truly,

Guy with Zero Relationship Experience


People aren't always on the same wavelength in a conversation (or lack thereof). I wouldn't view this as an indication you aren't meant to be together - lulls are normal. Do you work also? Perhaps if you found a new hobby or something to do while he is working, his time spent on work wouldn't bother you as much. It'd also give you something new to discuss.
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Relax kitty kat, why must you have a continues flow of conversation? I say embrace the silence, maybe use it as an opportunity to show physical attention. and if you feel the need to fill your mouth, as words escape you, well fill it with something else ;). I'm sure that will "speak" volumes.


Well-known member
It sounds as if you're experiencing the kind of intrusive thoughts often associated with OCD. Have you explored that possibility? You may be able to find a therapeutic solution to your obsession.

Otherwise, I second Shego's advice: conversational lulls are normal. Sometimes two people—even in the closest relationship—have nothing to say to each other, and sometimes nothing needs to be said. If you run out of words for a moment, take his hand in yours and give it a squeeze just to let him know you're still in the conversation. You may find you can say a lot without ever moving your lips.

Good luck to you, and welcome to the forum! :)


Well-known member
If you run out of words for a moment, take his hand in yours and give it a squeeze just to let him know you're still in the conversation.

This, right here. The most sage advice you'll ever find.

A small, almost insignificant moment full of tenderness and emotion... makes the heart swell and soothes the soul...

As an added bonus, if he rips his hand out from your own, you know the relationship is over.