nothing to talk about


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel they have little to talk about because they've had somewhat limited experiences in life?

I dont usually enjoy socialising much but i do feel the need to have good relations in the working environment. It creates a better impression to bosses and makes you more likable and less likely to get fired. Its also not nice when your labeled as the wierd quiet person and everyone avoids going to you for help or acts annoyed when you go to them.

Ive had a number of jobs in the past where i have made a good impression in the first week but after that its all gone down hill. I have experiences from my uni days where i was almost sa free and i went out nearly everynight and got up to lotsa drunken antics. It was a good fun time of my life that i can talk about loads.
However after uni i got depressed and have spent much of the last two years unemployed and doing next to nothing. I have lost nearly all my friends and so i hardly go out. Ive spent a lot of time just on my own on my computer (a lot of the time by choice) and thats not really something you can tell people about.
I have no experiences to talk about to keep relationships going past the first week of a new job and so everyone else with their own set of friends talk about what they did at the weekend or talk about a lifetime of experiences and after awhile i just start to listen more and more and contribute less and less.

I do think that ive fallen into a bad trap that im now going to try to fix. I have always had an interest in the world, history, geography and politics but instead of spending my freetime learning these things i have just watched tv or played videogames as an escape from reality. Playing games is bad because you shut down your brain and kinda zone out.
Im going to from now on try and watch more news programmes and read more factual books because i do have an interest in them im just very lazy. Then hopefully i will have more things to talk about when starting new jobs and meeting new people and maybe then make a few new workmates and have an easier time.


Ive had a number of jobs in the past where i have made a good impression in the first week but after that its all gone down hill.

same here but usually only after a day!

if ive nothing to talk about, i just talk a load of crap, even if theres no one around!!

which reminds me, wheres my straight jacket!!

Well-known member
I often make stuff up when friends or relatives ask me what I've been upto, but even then I'm so disinterested I struggle to even come up with something make-believe!


Well-known member
I can never figure out what to talk about, either, and when I do start talking about something, I don't think anyone is really that interested.


Well-known member
Ive had a number of jobs in the past where i have made a good impression in the first week but after that its all gone down hill.

same here but usually only after a day!

if ive nothing to talk about, i just talk a load of crap, even if theres no one around!!

which reminds me, wheres my straight jacket!!

very true but im hoping to turn it around this time since most of the time, for my job of course, i am in a truck with another person and there usually should be something to talk about ex: i usually talk about current events and offer a constructive opinion regfarding to it or just note some things that we see going by (like a good looking girl :D)


Well-known member
Right, let's look at the major topics my former classmates loved to talk about.

- Alcohol in general.
- Their experiences with alcohol last weekend.
- Their sexual experiences under the influence of alcohol.
- Their emotional experiences after the influence of alcohol.
- Their friends.
- Their problems with their friends.
- Their sexual connection with their friends.
- Their education, or rather their problems with it.
- Various manifestations of consumerism, capitalism, decadence.
- Their hatred of things I hold dear / am very interested in.
- My sex-life. (Seriously, certain guys in my class kept asking me for over two years whether I had a girlfriend or have had sex before.)
- My being quiet. (I, however, made that topic stop by not being around people who could talk to me about it.)

That isn't restricted to my classmates. It's pretty common everywhere. Most people my age get drunk, do lots of stupid things, regret lots of stupid things, do lots of stupid things again, and that's what they call "fun", or "fun times", and their justification for stupidity is either "I was drunk!" or "You are only young once!", which is utter non-sense.

So, yes, I didn't have much to talk about with those people, for obvious reasons. I wasn't interested in their things and they weren't in mine. Perhaps that will change once I get to university - which will be this fall -, but it's kind of clear that I will never partake in any social activities that have anything to do with drinking alcohol or other drug use, or fornication, or...

I am just the unfriendly, stubborn misanthrope you don't want to deal with in real-life. My being very different makes me very boring to most humans alive.

Then hopefully i will have more things to talk about when starting new jobs
Depending on your "job", it's likely that no one there will want to talk about facts/knowledge, or anything scientific in a useful manner. People want fun, and not be bored to death. For the majority of humanity, fun is simple and doesn't require any deeper thought or assiduity. It comes naturally.
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I've got the same prob.
Sometimes my mind just blank, And i don't know what to say.
But i dont have that all the time, Sometimes I can talk a lot,
It depends on how I feel.
When i feel good i'm a talking machine ::p:
But because of the social anxiety i produce silence alot ::(:
Sometimes silences scare me... ::(:
But i hope no one judge me on the fact that i'm quiet sometimes


Well-known member
I go into work and find that I just can never talk to people and when they talk to me I say very little because I just don't know how to talk to them.
If i ever meet other people in future i worry so much of what i am going to talk about because i have no life,i dont do anything,dont go out much.


Well-known member
I fervently pray every Friday no one would ask what I am doing on the weekend, and on Monday, no one would ask what I was up to during the weekend, because I couldn't even make up a convincing lie to tell them I had alot of fun, I sort of just fall flat on my face when people ask me what I am up to. In fact, just today, I had to lie to a colleague when she ask if I was going out, I just nodded, smiled and rushed out like I was going somewhere, which is what I do like nearly everyday, pretending to go somewhere to have fun, its pretty pathetic really...I just wish people would stop caring about what I did outside of work already!