Not caring


Well-known member
I don't know whether this should be put in the shyness forum or not. I am not reeally sure if I have social phobia at all. I mean, I know I'm shy, but I don't think I'm shy to the extent of being socially phobic (anymore, at least). I have come to a couple of conclusions over the last little while, as to why I think I don't have social phobia.

Now, this is going to sound pretty shallow, and I'm really sorry if it does, but I just have to say it. What I figure is that most of the time I just think I have social phobia because I'm not interested in other people. I don't care about them, and their lives. And so I don't see the point in talking to them and befriending them.

I don't know what's led me to this conclusion, but that's just what I think right now. I don't think I have social phobia anymore.

But I am interested in what you think about this, (even though that's self-contradictory).

(Please don't flame me!!) :)


Well-known member
I'm just making a guess here but should look into something like Schizoid Personality Disorder.Like i said its just a guest but you could have something like that.

You could also be reading into your own thoughts to much or people might not be your thing.Just a guess


Well-known member
Hey, look into some of the schizoid disorder symptoms and see if they go well in you, maybe you have it.


Well-known member
HereAndNow said:
LeapFrog back in Sept said:
Maybe it's because I try to act all "normal", as in looking straight past them (I get nervous when I walk by a group of people) and come off as ignorant/someone who thinks too highly of themselves. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid... But it's fricken ridiculous! I mean why the hell would they even laugh? What is funny about some random person walking past you?
These thoughts wouldn't even occur to a 'normal' self-confident person. Maybe you are just shy. Maybe just extremely shy. I think the line between shy and SA is exceptionally wide with every shade of grey imaginable.

The question is, and only you can answer it, are there things you would like to do that you don't because of this shyness? Does this shyness cause you to avoid situations?

If the answers is yes, than you, my friend, have SA - to one degree or another.
Then the question is whether you find it disabilitating enough to do something about it. Maybe not.

Yes, but I've changed a lot since that post, and I no longer have problems doing those things. But in answer to the question, I can do anything that I want to, but I don't want to / like to talk to other people.

Edit: Actually, I think I may have "Schizoid Personality Disorder". I googled it and found out that I show quite a few of the symptoms that are on this page ->
and this page ->


Active member
goddamn u for posting this i read all the bullshit from schizoid disorder on ur links and i feel like a peice of shit now thank u so much fuck fuck fuck its okay nah its not u . god damnit . wil someone please fucking help me


Well-known member
LeapFrog said:
I don't know whether this should be put in the shyness forum or not. I am not reeally sure if I have social phobia at all. I mean, I know I'm shy, but I don't think I'm shy to the extent of being socially phobic (anymore, at least). I have come to a couple of conclusions over the last little while, as to why I think I don't have social phobia.

Now, this is going to sound pretty shallow, and I'm really sorry if it does, but I just have to say it. What I figure is that most of the time I just think I have social phobia because I'm not interested in other people. I don't care about them, and their lives. And so I don't see the point in talking to them and befriending them.

The key is whether you avoid situations because of fear/anxiety, or whether you just don't like them. For me it's both.

Ask yourself, if you had to be very social for, say, 3 months (which means going to parties, befriending people, etc) , would you be able to do it without too much anxiety? I think shy people would get anxious, but would be able to do it. People with SP would probably find it too difficult and avoid it.

Just my thoughts....


Well-known member
I heard that Schizotypal was a minor form of Schizophrenia.Were as schizoid have nuthing to do with Schizophrenia and it is more of a personally trait.I could be wrong on that though.


Well-known member
Okay, I'm going to ask my doctor if I have SA or Schizoid Personality Disorder. I've had enough of thinking that I'm not normal. Fuck this.


Staff member
yetisbabe said:
If I took notice of every online test that I have done concerning my mental health...I would have blew my brains out by now!!!

It doesn't sound like SA...and I have no idea what Schizoid Personality Disorder is...although one test I did said that I had it.

The only true way to get a diagnosis is from your doctor. The fact that you are questioning means that something is wrong. You need to find out properly.

Good Luck!!

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. They genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."


that dosnt sound like you in the slightest

all bollox really init these online tests