north wales suffers?


Well-known member
Hi everyone, just wondering i s there anyone on this forum from north wales? And if so do they ever go on meets? I would very much like to speak with other suffers


Well-known member
Hi, i'm from Anglesey.

No way! Where abouts do you live in anglesey? Please tell me how has your phobia afected you and how are you going about healing? Have you ever met up with other sufferers? Did it help?


Well-known member
I live in the north west part of anglesey that's all I will say without sending you a pm.

Well I've spent all my life avoiding people and avoiding friendships really. I was too shy to talk to anyone throughout school and college other than one or two close friends. I have ended up basically without any friends. I tend to push people away by distancing myself by not keeping in touch, I think I send out a vibe that I need to be alone. I have a fear of getting familiar with people and I actually feel sick when I am in the company of others.

Well I really don't know how to get over it, part of me does not want to, sort of like I've given up and accepted my existence. I'm on antidepressants but that's about it.


Well-known member
I can identify exactly and sadly have to say im in the same place as you are, and by that I dont mean anglesey lol! I know I push people away and I think they dont like me anyhow so im just doing what would happen anyway, if you want to pm me please do. I do actually reconsize you I must have seen you around