No longer a child but not yet an adult

I'm 15 and I feel like all i want to do is reach 16, 17, or 18 because then people will stop treating me like a kid when I've had to really grow up with the SA, so I know I'm mature enough to be treated like an adultt, but i also know that as soon as i reach those ages I'll wish to be a kid again, I really don't know how I'll cope with being an adult, having to look after myself, actually live life instead of sitting around waiting for a chance.. Sorry, just had to have a little rant


Well-known member
For me i felt like that before going to Uni. I lived quite a sheltered life with my familly so when i was faced with issues in the big wide world i didn't know what to do or didn't know how i would cope; didn't think I was able to.

But now, since being at uni for a year, i feel i have gained a lot more independance, don't worry about some of the things i used to worry about like sorting out bank things and stuff because i just think to myself that i half to just get on with it or it will never be sorted out. This is what i say to myself when trying to get over my SA. I have to face problems otherwise i never will! Facing your fears is the key to living life to the full. This is what i have learnt recently, self belief is the key, without it you will get nowhere. You have to have that before facing your fears! :)