No life = no friends?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
If the friendships were based on what you had in common, and their interests changed over time (while yours didn't) that could explain them gradually not wanting to spend as much time with you.


Well that happens normally cause u are depression. Maybe if u rewind sometime in past. That friends have probably invited once or twice, or more. But u just keep saying know. And with the progressing of the time u'll start loosing contact with lots of friends. That's a typicall reaction. When u become motivated, start doing things, feeling also become more in contact with people, with others, with friends...I know is hard, but try to make a efford, get a day of the week, or 1hour of a keep some friends around. Like sending a message, giving a bday...take a coffee...ask you is he. Dont need to be in big parties. Get your time to get back on road. But till there...dont loose all contacts.


Well-known member
I feel that people who used to be friends have become disinterested in me because i'm basically not doing anything with my life. They've been progressing with university and into careers but I dropped out a few years ago with depression and lack of direction. I feel like i'm not worth much to anyone these days. It could all be in my head and maybe it's my personality that's the problem, but I feel like a loner who's on the fringe of society.

The more you think about yourself as being like that, the more lonely you will feel. If you are not happy with being alone, why not try get back in touch with people you were once friends with? I'm sure they would appreciate it. Try to get yourself involved in activities where you can meet people; they will also distract your attention from your depression too!


Well-known member
People drift apart, such is life.

Focus on getting out of your depression and the friends will come. :)


Well-known member
I don't know anyone in their 40's who still has friends from when they were in school. That's rare...
As you get older, you drift apart; as Rufus said.

You can make new friends, though.

Don't feel down on yourself because people from your past don't understand you or want to hang out with you- make new memories- do new things and try to be happy with yourself the way you are.
That much is very difficult when you're depressed but if you can focus on yourself, everything else will come afterwards.

It's not that you/we don't have lives; our lives just consist of different things from the 'average' person. That's not a bad thing necessarily.

If you are seeing a therapist, you could always ask about group sessions. You may be able to make a connection with some others who are in the same type of situation and if you aren't seeing a therapist, I would suggest finding one- it may help you greatly to have a professional to help you adjust and get well. There's no shame in asking for help if you need it.


I made a huge mistake. I had friends, but I drove them away. My Manic episode caused me to be over confident in myself to the point where I was too cocky. As a result, I lost many friends because of my sickness. Sighs... whatever


Well-known member
I also feel like I'm pushing friends away by not putting in the effort to keep the friendship going. For example, I rarely contact them unless they contact me first. This can give the impression that I don't really care about them or have much interest in keeping in touch :( If this continues I may be left with zero friends one day but I will do my best to avoid reaching that stage.
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Well-known member
i used to have a social circle of friends but over the years, due to my introversion and depression, i found that i simply cannot maintaing relationships.the only reason many of these relationships started up is because they kept contacting me, wanting to go out or whatever.i rarely called them to do things.problem is, as i got older my youthul energy(what little i had) faded and i fell into my introverted/depressed state..the reality is i DO like spending much of my time alone and your friends will only ask you so many times to hang out if you keep refusing.its just so rare that i want to be around people nowadays so i think keeping friends will be a hard thing to do..