

Well-known member
hey Drjo91..wellcome.. i wont be very helpful but pretty much im going thruough the same feelings that u are rite now.. im 22 by the way..when i was ur age i had all the problems that u stated now.. i was so helpless... i was always locked inside the house.. never knew anything about the outside world.. i didnt know how to take the bus.. even when im on the bus i always had fear that im going to go lost.. im too sensitive and i cant express my slef... u know what? u just explained everything that i was feeling a few years ago.. and even now im lost.. i still feel lost when i take the bus.. i dont kno how to communicate.. what is wrong with us..??? why cant we be like other normal peaople and enjoy the life????????... i want to help people.. but with my condion i cant even do that??

im sorry im not very helpfull.. but hang in there..be confident and belive in ur self!

You are not alone!


Well-known member
If your family won't help you, the only way to do it is to do it yourself.
If you think you can try facing your fears, then do it straight on like i told you - slowly. You just have to remember to not put it off. If you say you'll do it next week, then do it next week. If you keep putting it off you'll see no results.

That is why therapy works better because they make sure you do it. If you feel you need that extra push then the first step is to - no matter how much this might make you cringe - take that part time job. Screw your mother, this is more important than her if that is how she's going to treat you. If she punishes you, ignore it. She doesn't deserve you being a good little girl to her. Learn how to take the bus if you don't already know how, as this will help you in getting to therapy while the job helps pay for it. Who knows, your mother might even grow to respect you more because of it. If that isn't enough, there are probably other financial aids to look at when you go to therapy.

The next step would be the phone book - call someone that sounds right for you and book an appointment to see them. I don't care if you have to sneak out of the house to do it. It may take a few therapists to find one that's right for you, but keep sticking to it. You'll find someone just right eventually.
Good luck.


Well-known member
Hi - I read your posts and feel your pain.

For years I have suffered with social phobia - I've managed to keep it a secret for most of my life. My brothers, sisters, family ... even after I got married I managed to hide it by making excuses for why I wouldn't do things like most others. I always knew I was different but didn't know exactly what it was - now I do!

Can I share with you one thought - you can heal - it may seem impossible to you - but it is possible. You can heal at least to the point where you can have a fufilled and happy life.

I've never been to a doctor about my social phobia (I still avoid going to the doctors) but one of the best things I have ever done was to start reading material that built-up my feelings about myself within (it's a small step and you don't any have to deal with others). Do you think you have enough courage to go into a bookstore? The other thing is to do a search on the internet on "highly senstive people" - when I read info on this i really started to understand myself more. I realised that because I am highly senstive (that causes my social phobia) I actually have many postive qualities.

You too will have them.