Night sweating?


Hello. Does anybody has nigt sweating ? I have HH ( hands, feet, underarms, face ) And don't understand what happened, but i am sweating every night, now for one week. I also tried to open window while sleeping, didn't helped. Every night woke up in horrible sweat.. Maybe anyone had same situation ? Some suggestions ? Thanks.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I don't suffer from HH, but I used to get this quite regularly. Thankfully it hasn't happened for several months now. I think it was stress related, and now the cause of that stress has been removed I'm hoping the night sweating doesn't return.


Well-known member
Fibromyalgia can cause night sweats. I have had night sweats on and off for years. Best to check it out with your doctor.


Well-known member
I'd also check with your doctor. Night sweats can be a side effect of many ailments. I know diabetes is one--also know it can be one of the many lousy things about perimenopause (probably not your problem!)

Mine went away, but after several cruddy years. Have a doctor check you out, and maybe give you some relief.