Nice to see I'm not alone!


Hey everyone! I'm new to the site, but unfortunately not new to having OCD. My worst problem is dealing with pimples and acne. I become obsessed with getting every little blackhead, red spot, and bump off/ out of my face. Thus, I end up in the mirror picking away at nothing, quite often.
Fortunately, I've met a guy who has lived with OCD as well. His is under control, but he accepts me for my faults and is helping me through them.
Anyway, hi! I look forward to getting to know all of you!
hi! That happens to me a lot too. Sometimes I can spend like 3 hours picking at my face and pointing out all those imperfections, it's obsessional and annoying, I know. Well I hope you can get it under control too!


hey i have the same problem, but i've managed to make my face clear up in the past few days. The urge still remains to pick at the imperfections tho. But i counter that impulse with squeezing a stress ball or just clenching my fist and telling myself " dont touch it. if you want to help your face, wash it." Its amazing how fast my self esteem has gone up since my blemishes have begun to disapear. :). i reccomend this method for you to try. Every time you have the urge to pick, tell yourself no, i wont do it, and squeeze a stress ball or clench ur fist. Its hard, but its SO worth it if youre sucessful :).


Thanks for the suggestion. It's really difficult when you go x amount of time without picking at your face, and there are new pimples, or scars from your last incident. I find that it also helps when you have someone that can pop any white heads that may appear for you. It seems like you get a new pimple, go to the mirror with the intention of popping just that one, and your sucked in, picking at anything you can find.