New to Therapy


New member
Hi, I'm 17 year olds and I've been dealing with anxiety my whole life. I couldn't handle the frustration any longer, so I broke down and told my mom last weekend. Today I am going to therapy and to be honest I'm terrified. Does anyone have any tips that could help me get through this without having a mental breakdown mid session?
Hey, good for you man! I wish I had had the guts to tell my parents (they still dont know that I have it and I'm 23.)

Just be yourself - you'll be fine ;)


Well-known member
I've just booked an appointment with my doctor (in next week) and he'll be the first person I've told about my SA, so your already one step ahead of a few of us just by telling your parent...
Now you've told your mum, I reckon you should find it pretty easy to explain your situation to the therapist. Just ensure that you tell the truth at all times, otherwise, it'll be a waste of time.
Good luck, and let us know how it goes :)