New Member Intro


Hi everyone, I'm new here and wanted to start out with a bit of an intro. My name is Marie and I'm very much a "socialphobe". I'm almost 30 years old, still living at home, working a dead end job, no driver's license.... I'm basically living as pathetic of a life that one would ever live.

Along with all that, I've never experienced a first kiss, a first date, a first boyfriend, etc. I do have a few reasons for that. I am "lucky" enough to have PCOS. For those of you don't know, this is a horribly degrading health issue among woment. It basically causes our hormones to be way out of whack, most of time it causes us to have extra body hair that normal women don't have. It can also make it very difficult for us to lose weight. So basically, at the moment I feel very unattractive as an overweight, extra haired, ugly mess. This, as you might expect, causes self esteem issues and I have an extremely difficult time talking to people in general, let alone guys that I like.

The thing is, I recently met this guy who seems to be interested in me. Of course I'm probably reading way to much into it. He could just be being nice to me. He does work in a business where customer service is a big deal, but I've seen him a few times in the past while I'm with other people and he seems to focus in on me. He will talk to the other people I'm with, but on a few ocassions he has gone out of his way to talk to me alone. Our discussions have been brief and never about anything personal, it's just the typical how are you stuff. The thing that's really getting to me is that there's something about this guy that I'm just falling for, and hard! I can't get him out of my head. For the past week I wake up thinking about him, day dream about him during the day, and then think about him some more while I try to fall asleep. For some reason I just really feel comfortable around him (even though we have a large gap in age difference - he being older). I feel as though I probably could carry out a conversation with him and get to know him better if we could have more time. I don't know if he's married or not. He doesn't wear a ring, but I know of a lot of married people who don't either. I do know that he has at least 3 children. If it turns out he is married I know I have to stop fretting over him as hard as it will be. I just don't know how to really strike up a normal conversation. I want to let him know subtlely that I'm interested in him, but I fear rejection and getting hurt. I've had enough of that in my life already. I just want to be loved, accepted, and to be happy. I don't think it's asking to much, but so far apparently it has been.

Sorry for rambling. I more or less wanted to vent to people who don't know me and who probably have experienced the same thing.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Hi MM1980! Welcome!

Maybe next time you're talking to him, you could casually ask a question that refers to a possible wife. Perhaps ask how his weekend was, and if he and his wife went anywhere with the kids, or something like that. I know that sounds a little corny (and it is), but short of asking him outright if he's married, it's going to be difficult to find out any other way. You should at least be able to determine where you stand, and whether there's a possibility of pursuing something with him.

Good luck and I hope he's available!


Well-known member
Hi MM1980! Welcome to the site!!

I'm a few years closer to being 30 and I also don't have a driver's license, heck I don't have a job! Never had been kissed or had a date or a boyfriend either. I don't even know how to swim!

This guy seems nice! I think Rembrandt made a great suggestion about asking how his weekend was. I hope you find out if he's married or not.


Well-known member
I, too, tend to think that I'm reading too much into guys' interest in me, but have found that, on occasion, I am right on. I hope this guy is available, and that that is the case for you. :)


Thanks for the welcome everyone. I saw the guy I've been crushing on today, but I left feeling rather disappointed. When we first met up, he was real nice and we chatted for a few minutes, but as the day went on he seemed to be getting preoccupied by others and didn't really notice me at all. Looking back once again, I'm amazed that I could actually talk to him! It's amazing. I can't believe how comfortable I feel around this guy. I've never experienced anything like this before. It's wonderful, but at the same time I know it's just going to shatter me when I see the truth. :(

Oy... I just want to go crawl under a rock and never come out again....


Well-known member
I have pcos as well. Are you on any type of therapy for it? I have the insulin-resistant form. I take cinnamon and alpha lipoic acid in lieu of prescription Metformin. Since it has a lot to do with inability to process fats and sugars and carbs like other people I try to limit my intake.

I wish you luck with your crush and welcome to the board.


Well-known member
Hi MM & Welcome!

I think getting a drivers' licence is probably the easiest of the bunch.. (I wrote some tips in another thread) It took me a loong while to get it too, and our neighbour got it in her 50s/60s!! (Took a few times to get it too, but then in the end she did get it!!)

As for guys, hm. Hirsutism may or may not be a problem, I know of women who were married despite it, so maybe look for any shiny examples and depends a lot on your attitude too!!

Check if your condition/s can improve with nutrition or any natural means.. (I just briefly googled it and it seems in some cases nutrition & exercise might be helpful?)

3 kids seems possibly quite a lot of baggage.. It may be difficult to tell if a guy is 'interested' or just friendly, yeah.. There are some tips for women how to behave in possibly-dating-related situations too, I found some books on dating quite helpful..
I was previously confused in some situations too, nowadays I just assume, if he doesn't ask me out, he's probably not interested. There are ways to 'test the waters' and get a guy to ask you out, if he's at all interested..

Oh, and I've even asked a guy who did want to meet with me later if a wife won't come after me with a kitchen appliance? (you know the thing to make noodles or apple strudel, to flatten the dough? Can't think of the right word right now, lol..) I am not a model wife and would probably be a horrible wife, so not sure if it's even worth it??
If you do wish to date and perhaps something more, go for it! Meet guys online or in other places..

I do have a driving license (don't use it much) and my money situation is probably worse than yours.. Your job doesn't define you anyway!! I know some awesome people with no jobs and some horrible people with high-power jobs, and it means abssoultely nothing when it comes to what kind of person you are!!


Pookah, I'm on Metformin, but that's it as of right now. Even though I was certain I had PCOS my fear of doctors and being nude in front of someone kept me from going until recently. I'm still in the researching how to handle this phase, but I'm hoping things will get better.


I also wanted to post an update on my crush situation. I saw him once again a couple of days ago and he was sweet as pie to me. He even tapped my knee walking by me at one point. No big deal to some people, but for me it was huge. I did a little bit of "spying" online and found him on 3 different websites. I won't name which ones, but 2 should be fairly obvious. On one site he's listed as single, on another he has it all set to private, on the 3rd he says he's married and he posts photos of himself and his wife, BUT the photos are several years old. I don't know how to check to see how recently his page was updated so I'm guessing there's a small chance he's divorced and just hasn't updated that page.

Since it's not clear if he's single or not I've decided - which is hard as hell right now - to stop liking him and just let things happen. If it's meant to be, it'll be. Last week went really well. I thought about him, but it wasn't the same constant lust that I felt the week before. As each day goes by I'm starting to feel my feelings for him fade a little bit more and more. I still like him a lot and if it turns out he is single again and is intrested in me I will jump at the chance to be with him, but for right now I'm trying to just be a friend with him to see where it goes. If he is married, his wife is a very lucky woman and I certainly don't want to do anything that would cause her any pain.