new 17 year old male. Want to talk to girls!


Well-known member
Im a 17 year old male from Coppell, TX who has SAD. This is something that has really wrecked my social life. I have problems when it comes to talking to girls so I thought it would be cool if I could somehow chat with another teenage girl with SAD. That would really make me feel great because I havent talked to a girl about personal things ever. I just want to see opinions from a female perspective since I never talk to them in real life. Just reply to this thread and introduce yourself. Thanks
why only girls?? Perspectives on what? Iwould answer some og your questions if you would like for me to do so. But let me warn you, you should not take my answers as examples of what a normal girl would say. A lot of people have different perspectives. Wow I don't think that made much sense at all.


Well-known member
I want to talk to a girl on here because I just need some opinions from another girl. I dont care if you have any type of SAD. I never talk to girls so I never understand the feminine side of things. For example, when ever im working with a girl on a project or something, I always try to be polite. But one thing, I dont even really know what polite is in a teenage girls perspective. So the whole time im working on the project with her I always wonder if its going to offend her in anyway, so I always keep my mouth shut. Then its awkward and it ends being a shitty experience. What can I do to just make that girl feel comfortable around me?


Well-known member
IcarusUnderWater said:
DON'T put the pussy on a pedestal. Then you can relax, open up and you will get attention from some of them.

I agree. If you idolise women- as I sometimes have a tendency to do- you will exacerbate any nervous feelings you have in their presence, and come across worse for it. Learn to chillax 8) (and then teach me how to do it)


Simply ask her if she wants sex with you, if not.. move on. :p

Hey, no one said this was a dating advice forum!


Well-known member
Hmm, i think that maybe the best thing if you want to be mates with a girl - just a platonic relationship - is to try a not think of her as a girl, but just a human being. Being polite is always a good place to start. Don't worry about every little thing - girls aren't as judgemental as guys tend to think (girls are only really, really judgemental about other girls - that's just bitch mentality, but you don't have to worry about that, because you're a guy!)

Concerning what girls find offensive...well, you probably already have a pretty good idea of what girls find offensive. But we also have a sense of humour! If you say something that offends a girl, it's not like she'll totally hate you for it. Don't constantly worry about offending a girl - she's more likely to respect you if you're honest and sincere, and if you're able to cut loose and have a laugh.

Also (though you might disagree) i think girls are generally more excepting of emotional problems. If you just come out and tell a girl that you have SAD, she's more likely to respect your honesty than run away.

I hope you find that useful. As for romantic advice, i'm totally clueless - all the guys i've ever got on with were dating my friends, and hence our friendships just had to stay as friendships!!

Good luck!


Well-known member
HAAHAH! the pussy on the pedestal thing is helarious cause earlier in 2 of my posts I said that I put the pussy on the pedestal big time. Haaha But yeah I totally do that, and I know I do that, and im trying to stop. Its hard though cause every time I talk to a hot girl the only thing that comes to my mind is how bad I want to bang the shit out of this girl. haha It gets awkward, you know, because this girl is trying to start a convo with me but my mind goes completely blank cause its already filled with dirty thoughts, and then I cant think of anything to say. I always end up doing the fake laugh cause I have no idea what to say.Haha. So yeah, Ill try to get my brain focused on the convo (not the hot bod) and act as if im just talking to one of my friends by not being so charismatic and nervous. Its going to be fn hard, but what the hell.
Don't put the pussy on a pedestal! HAHAHAHA! That is the funniest fucking phrase that I have heard in a long time! And "that1guy" you got some serious issues! I think the same thing though, so I guess that means I got issues! :lol:


Active member
It gets awkward, you know, because this girl is trying to start a convo with me but my mind goes completely blank cause its already filled with dirty thoughts, and then I cant think of anything to say.

Yes that1guy, I can totally relate. Like you, it seems I have serious issues. Sometimes, though, I feel like I should just unplug the computer and straight out try to bar hop a little... maybe ordering water when I walk to the bar... ::p:


-Jack in WA


Active member
I hope you find that useful. As for romantic advice, i'm totally clueless - all the guys i've ever got on with were dating my friends, and hence our friendships just had to stay as friendships!!

Your advice matters to me. I will try to dwell on the advice a little so that I will remember it. Thank you.

-Jack in WA