Never done anything like this before

Hi so here goes. Never done anything like this before. That is introduce myself to a whole bunch of people. I've had social anxiety as long as I can remember. It always gets me down cos I cant do the job I want to do. I cant have the friends I want. I let my kids down and i'm so scared they will be the same as we rarely have anyone over. Anyway recently it all got a lot worse when I found out my husband was having an affair and the marriage ended. Im trying to rebuild my life and im too scared to meet new people!! Im always torn by the absolute need to have people in my life with the need to be alone cos of the anxiety it causes me.

Anyway hope at least here I can find some people that understand or feel the same way.


Well-known member

I'm so sorry to hear about the break up of your marriage, It's a good thing you came to this forum, there's a lot of lovely people on here so hopefully you'll find some friends to talk to :)
Hi -- I'm new too. I'm sorry about the end of your marriage -- and I hope you find support here that you need. It's not easy living with social problems, and I know how you feel.