Negative THOUGHTS!


I just been inspired by this user called Genius,
He has a topic explaining about how to stop SA.
And I really wanna help too.

In this topic you can write down a negative thought,
and you SHOULD replace a positive thought against it!!!!!

This is especially to analyze what you are thinking, to get a better positive behaviour of thinking.
And I think this topic can help because alone we find it difficult to fight against SA, right?
And here we can give a helping hand.

Please dont be shy.. and write every negative thought you have.

When a negative thought pops into your mind, please write it down!!

And if you really are willing to overcome this, you should try it!!!

And try to believe the positive thought about your self !!
Okay i will start;

Negative: I think I'll end up quiet when I would date someone
Positive : I dont know what is going to happen, It's always a suprise, maybe it's a good suprise, so maybe we have a great conversation with maybe a good laughter.

Negative: I think I'm the most dramatic girl on this planet.
Positive : I'm not the only person who is depressed, and i'm not alone.
And everyone is able to think more positive and dont cause drama in mind.

Negative: I am afraid of going to school.
Positive: I can actually reach somewhere if i go to school, and that's important. And I also think it's interesting to know more stuff, so learning is good.

more thoughts soon, now your turn guys ;)
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Well-known member

Negative: I am human garbage who was born from pitiful, miserly and crazy in the head peasants, and who spent the last two decades hiding in a fantasy world.

Positive: It's not who am underneath, but what I do that defines me, and I know deep down that I am a caring person capable of doing great and amazing things.
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Active member
Great ideas Sas! ~

Negative : I'm a failure , I gave up studying a while ago , I'm too old to qualify for a job.

Positive : I'm only in my mid-twenties , I can still find a way to qualify for a better job.
Thanks Chopin :) I really hope this helps for all of you :)

Negative: It's hard for me to make friends
Positive: There are plenty of people in the world who would love a new friendship, so someday i'll find a good friend who really cares about me.

Negative: Why me ? Why do I have to be so anxious?
Positive: Life just goes this way, it can be much worse.

Negative: I'm a failure
Positive: Everybody fails , even the best human in the world ( if he excists ::p:)
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Well-known member
Negative I can't stop thinking about my past mistakes and how I've been wasting all opportunities, I wish I could go back and change everything.

Positive I will accept where I am now. Whatever happened in the past is what made me who I am now. I will start living my life and create attainable goals and reach them one step at a time.


Well-known member
Negative: It's hard for me to make friends
Positive: There are plenty of people in the world who would love a new friendship, so someday i'll find a good friend who really cares about me.

I could really identify with this ^


Negative my life is empty, meaningless and boring

Positive where my life lacks, it makes up greatly in love. sometimes it's just harder to see.


Well-known member
Negative thought: my neighbors think I'm a freak because I work on my yard so much.

Alternative: I really don't know what they think. maybe they think I'll have a really nice yard for my kids to play in someday.


Well-known member
Negative: I am a strange person, and no one understands what I say or do. Everything in relation to me, is somehow socially unacceptable.
Positive: I am an interesting person, and there is infact a lot about me that is similar to others. I am not so different that people would think I am somehow repulsive.

I am almost 18... My youth is fading and I'll never overcome my problems. What if I stay like this, forever?
Positive: 18 is still young. I have many years ahead of me, and many years to overcome my problems. I can still achieve my dreams, it's not over.


Well-known member
saskia - you are going to beat SA! your posts have energy and show your passion for life. If I could mention one thing about the thought correction process it would be:

try and be as specific as possible in recalling your thoughts and then seek as many alternative possible thoughts that rather than simply a counter positive thought. the former will allow you to have choices in how you react to negative thoughts or feelings. if you feel you have to find something positive to counteract every negative thought you may get stuck. a thought such as "I'm a loser" is too general to answer effectively. but a thought like "that guy in the store thought I was a total loser because of the way he looked at me" is more specific and can be answered more easily, like "There's really no way I can read that guy's mind. maybe he was having a bad day, or maybe he was thinking of something else. etc." which are all just as likely as him thinking you are a loser.

Good luck and keep working. And remember SA is a very difficult condition to endure as everyone on here can attest. by taking it on you show that you are willing to work HARD and that you value your life. anyone of your friends or classmates would have a hard time dealing with what you are dealing with. be proud of yourself for fighting back even if it feels like you aren't making progress. as long as you are trying you are winning.
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Well-known member
negative - there's nothing really wrong with me, everybody knows I'm just a hypochondriac looking for attention
Positive - Screw other people! SA is real and most of the time I deal with it well!