Need some help


I have a question...
Do any of you find that you tend to not be able to pay attention to what other people are saying for long periods of time? Sometimes i can be talking to a person (one on one mind you) and i'll just zone out and then after a couple of seconds i'll realize that i completely missed what the person just said. I don't know how i manage to zone out while i'm looking them in the face but i do. lol It must not be obvious because no one has ever said anything to me about it. It's not only with people that i don't know and am uncomfortable with either...i'll do it sometimes with people that i can be my absolute self around. That's why i'm wondering if maybe i have some form of ADD. Or is this normal for people with SA?
How many of you guys believe you suffer from ADD along with social anxiety??


Well-known member
I get so preoccupied with what i'm going to say next that i sometimes don't pay attention to what they are saying and they appear as if they are miles away.


Well-known member
you sound just like me. i just zone out and most of the time its for no reason at all. I always wondered if I had ADD or something like that. cause even in school it was realllyy hard for me to pay attention. my mind would just be in another world.

so some of it could be due to SP, but I think I actually have some sort of mental problem.