Need advise on how to proceed

For my previous post and full story see

I’m still in contact with the same lady I mentioned earlier (see the last couple of paragraphs). We have been communicating via a social network site, text messages, now and then we met: to have a meal, I helped to furnish her new place. (As I still have lots of time, I could have helped her a lot more, I thought it wise though not to overdo it.) Clearly her first priority was to move in and since then, recently, we went for an outdoor event. All our encounters were light-hearted, at least I had the impression we did get on well.

As I’m insecure how to proceed (and do not want to make mistakes) I would like some advise what to do next. I do not want to impose anything on anyone, I just have a major crush on her and want to move further.
Although I did let her know about my feelings (see previous post) and gave various signals which I’m sure were really thoughtful and which she appreciated, I do not seem to have the nerves though to talk openly about my feelings towards her: e.g. did not talk about the reasons of my written message earlier.
Instead I try the combination of being funny to come across light-hearted and some serious conversation.
I'm specially insecure about whether when the time is right: I do not want to be to early, not do I want to be too late.
I just feel bad I do not know whether I do have a chance or not so to speak.

What would be a reasonable next move?
Advise is welcome.


Well-known member
It might be an idea to give her the gift of missing you for just a little while. I don't know how often you two communicate, but if you keep yourself busy for a week or two, then let her initiate something with you, she might be more willing to take it further. I say this because sometimes these situations can feel a bit too friendlike and a bit too habitual for a woman. Occasionally you have to take one step back in order to move two forward, and I think if you do this, you can also gauge her interest in you more readily. Let's say you lay low for a bit and she messages you suggesting an activity, then you know for sure that it's safe to get closer and make a move. That space is important here, especially because she already knows how you feel about her. She likely needs some time to digest it all and figure out how she feels. So I say put the ball in her court.
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Well-known member
I'd say just be honest with her. She obviously likes you, or you wouldn't be doing stuff together at all. Just ask her whether she thinks you should take things further, or whether she thinks there could ever be anything more between you. This takes your feelings out of the equation and gives her the opportunity to express her feelings. If she doesn't feel anything more than friendship toward you, then she will tell you as such. Just accept her answer, and then work out from there what to do next.
Mmmm, seems I need to make a choice between the different directions the 2 of you posted? Thx for advise so far.

As a piece of additional info: during our last encounter she asked me wether I did have any have holiday plans for the summer. Unfortunately, I can't recall whether she asked that before or after she indicated that herself she would take one day of each week during summertime. So, I am not sure how I should interpret her question: just out of interest, or did she hint something?
Anyhow, due to my situation (still out of a job), I have no choice then to limit expenses ... and holidays. Hopefully later this week, awaiting the final outcome and contract negotiations, I might be able to review my answer & plan something before I start again :)
Think I'm gonna go for Kinetik's advise or rather create some distance between us:
Although all our last encounters (except the last one), were at her initiative, I'm afraid that she starts to see me as friend, which would drive me into the 'friend's zone', and I really don't want to go that way with her. Am I 'Mr. nice guy'???

During the same last rendez-vous she mentioned that immediately after the break-up of her long-term relationship over a year ago, she had had an international fling for a couple of months. Despite the fact she had ended it abruptly (even before I knew her), the chap had tried to contact her recently. She did not appreciate his attempt, in fact his action did upset her ... and when she told me ... the whole story made me pretty jealous. I'm pretty sure I managed to hide it for her ... The fact I had these feelings for something of the past, against a person I never met seems rather unhealthy to me.
I think I'm too much in love. Why? G... damn. Why? It seems a pattern to me and I'm sick of it. How can I overcome that?