need advice for quitting


Well-known member
Hi I work at a very small company and I'm worried that it's not right for me. I have more responsibility and my boss keeps asking can I take on more and I say "yes" because how am I supposed to say no? Also another employee has retired and I'm not sure if they are hiring someone else. Can I ask that? Also the pay is kind of just okay so with rent and lack of benefits I'm finding it hard. I'm scared to quit because they're really counting on me and talking about a year into the future with me. I feel really bad now because I also don't feel "passion" here. I also have panic attacks on the business trips and got in trouble for missing a networking opportunity because I was panicking so much and pretended to fall asleep in my room. Yeah not responsible but I just couldn't leave my room but then I did everything else. It's a job where nothing happens then it's like time to panic. I've been here almost a year and they are already planning my job for the rest of the new year. How would I quit? :( I'm looking for another job now but it's still hard and I feel frozen on how to act when the time to quit comes... hopefully this year. Also I feel bad because I left another job because they didn't believe in me so they never let me try new things so just need to find something in the middle.
You don't owe this company anything. The managerial staff's job is to put as much work and as little pay as they possibly can onto a person. If you think it's too much, then it most definitely is. My advice would be to look for another job and to not put in your two weeks until you've found one. Alsp, don't let them guilt you into staying when you do tell them you're leaving.


Well-known member
You don't owe this company anything. The managerial staff's job is to put as much work and as little pay as they possibly can onto a person. If you think it's too much, then it most definitely is. My advice would be to look for another job and to not put in your two weeks until you've found one. Alsp, don't let them guilt you into staying when you do tell them you're leaving.

Thank you I just needed to hear that :) also I have to give a months notice... it's awkward lol...


Well-known member
I second what Razzlecherry said. Just remember that you do not owe this company anything. Employers can lay people off without a second thought and as an employee you are also able to quit without giving them a second thought or feeling guilty about it.

Also, check out this website:
Ask a Manager

This is actually one of my favorite websites cause it is interesting to read the stories and advice each day. But you can use the search function on the right hand side to search for advice about quitting a job and you might even just be able to search for 'anxiety' or 'panic attacks' and get some advice and read some stories. You could even submit your own question to her and see if she answers with some advice.


Well-known member
My one year review is coming up and I was going to ask if there was a way I could work remotely once a month so it doesn't feel like I'm always at the office. The hardest part is getting here and staying at my desk. When the phone rings it feels like I'm being listened too because I am lol... If they can't let me work remotely then I could find another job because I know some people who work at home most days. My job isn't a remote job but I could make into one at least once a month I think