My weekend


Well-known member
Yesterday i did something exciting!..I went clay pigeon shooting for the first time with this man i know, it was great and i shot a few clays.

The bad points of yesterday;

I felt awkward and shy and whilst everyone else were laughing and joking i felt like statue just pretending to laugh and not really saying much.

I went with my gran and parents to visit my gran's brother in hospital, again i had no clue what to say and felt awkward.

I feel so damn awkward because i just have no clue what to say to people.

I'm also pissed off because my mum and dad speak for me before i get the chance...I'm almost 28 and i feel like a little frightened child. For example say in a restaurant and the waiter/waitress comes to take our order when it gets to my turn before i get a chance to give my order my dad will butt in and say ''He'll have the steak!''.......''He'll have a beer to drink!''........I'm just so sick of being made to feel like a little kid who has no mind of his own. When i go travelling somewhere abroad alone i can actualy feel like and adult.


Well-known member
Glad you had fun Clay Pigeon shooting - looks like some good crazy countryside fun! :)

As for your other issues, I think you should try to take little steps to assert yourself when out your parents - perhaps their ordering for you or answering for you needs to be addressed?

I know it can be difficult to stand up to your parents (truly), but perhaps their taking control has in effect, attributed to your anxiety?

Next time you're out, YOU speak up and order before they can and just smile at them (even if you feel you're making a fool of yourself) - letting them know that you are indeed capable.

If that works well, keep speaking up - whether you are blushing, trembling, sweating or otherwise - regaining control most likely will be uncomfortable until you get used to it, but even the smallest step is a step in the right direction

Wishing you all the best
