My unusual hobby helps me cope with my social anxiety disorder


Active member
Woooooooooooooooow........did I say wow....? wow...I would love to go do stuff like that I love things like this LOL its awesome...and as for cicada's I love listening to them.

Hehehe!!! Thank you! Most people are awed by my impressive collection. :)

Since you love stuff like this, it would be awesome to go collect wasp nests with you.


Active member
That's an impressive collection. I don't think I've ever heard of this kind of collecting before. I'm also glad that you have found a hobby that helps to alleviate the pain that comes with living with SAD.

I also have to ask... what did you think of The Green Hornet movie?

Thanks! Yeah, I don't think that I could go on living with my SAD if I didn't have this passion in my life that I enjoy doing. At least it makes being trapped in this small apartment more bearable for me. My wasp hobby DOES help with the pain of living with SAD.

I've seen the previews for the movie. Though I haven't watched the movie itself yet... unfortunately. I think this is because I watch mostly horror movies. I LOVE horror movies!!!


Active member
They're amazing, well done on amassing such a fascinating collection! I agree, having really interesting stuff to do at home means you can quite happily live without the outside world. I do serious patchwork-quilting; just finished a double quilt with some squares only 0.5 cm across, so you get a great result but time consuming and all by hand! I buy lovely fabrics off the internet and can't wait to come home. Plus I read a lot and have 5 gorgeous cats, all much more rewarding than people on the outside I find! Good luck with your hobby x

Thank you very much! :)

Yep. If a SAD sufferer has a hobby that he/she really enjoys doing, then living with SAD doesn't have to be so bad because it offers a fun distraction and it does alleviate the pain too! If any of you don't have a hobby, then I highly recommend getting one as a way to help you deal with the pain of living with SAD. It helps! Trust me.


Active member
^Same here :/
Just the site of the nest creates the same fear response in my brain associated with the sting from a wasp :s

However scary that is still an amazing collection you have Hornetboy!:cool:

I hope that you will find a way to overcome your fear too.

Thanks for your kind words regarding my collection. :)