My Space


Well-known member
myspace is the devil! devil I tell you...

well, untill someone comes around and says their is no devil. cause science can't prove it.


Well-known member
young said:
myspace is the devil! devil I tell you...

well, untill someone comes around and says their is no devil. cause science can't prove it.

Why is myspace bad? I'm thinking of joining there. Meet some non-social phobic peeps.


Well-known member
Gloomy said:
young said:
myspace is the devil! devil I tell you...

well, untill someone comes around and says their is no devil. cause science can't prove it.

Why is myspace bad? I'm thinking of joining there. Meet some non-social phobic peeps.

I was just messing. I hear it can be addictive. And you can wastes loads of time there. There was however an article of video about it. I heard about recently. But I didn't read it.


Well-known member
I HAD annoyed by cyber stalkers (and yes theyre REAL!)

so watch out 8-/

And also I really wouldnt reccomend getting it. I deleted it for the reason i already said, but also, if youre doing this forum, and other things on the net its probably too much "net" time, if you know what i mean. Like its good to be on here, it helps to know there are other ppl going through the same thing. But its not going to cure your anxiety.

If youre like me, youre prob like well, im not social anyway, so might as well stay on the computer. Even if your anxiety inhibits interaction with many people, at least get out! Take a walk something productive. Your body will feel better, and youll be managing your time (which also helps decrease anxiety).

Myspace added to my stress b/c i felt like I had to have all these friends and get comments everyday. Plus youd see people with all these pictures from when they went out and had a blast, and it just reminded me of what i COULDNT i would think about managing time better! Just my opinion!!


Staff member
Reholla said:
I HAD annoyed by cyber stalkers (and yes theyre REAL!)

so watch out 8-/

you get them everywhere dont you

dont these people have better weird shit to do 8O


Well-known member
hey reholla,
it looks like you are having a fun time in your pic! (?) but I know what you mean about myspace. It makes me a bit jealous(especially being female). we as females already compare ourselves to every other girl out there and my space does nothing but increase that feeling of self awareness. I don't know about anyone else, but I would hate to see myself constantly. myspace is basically about advertising you own image..but what if you are not happy with your own image?

i do find myself searching for old college buddies and occassionally i will check in on my favorite djs kinda makes me feel like a stalker though...


Well-known member
rejected on myspace

i need to make my nmbers up cause i only have 3 fiends lol
i feel ya scottish..i only have 3 friends and 2 are music groups! how sad.

has anyone on here actually tried to add people and been rejected?
I am still waiting for a few friends to reply and it is taking them like forever! :cry:
it really makes me want to cry.