my sleeping pattern


Well-known member
its never set its now 7.45am ive been up since 6pm yesterday im not even tired yet but i say ill be sleeping b4 10 am and ill probably get up anytime beetween 4pm and 8pm and by next week ill probably be getting by 2 weeks time ill probably be getting up at 2pm and going to sleep at 4am it just goes around in circles is anyone here like this aswell


Well-known member
i go tho little cycles like that aswell, last week i was getting to sleep around 6am, waking at 11am and be awake for a while then pass out n get up around or just b4 2pm.

i got to sleeep about 2:30am last night which is good for me, i struggle with sleep..most annoying!


Well-known member
Maybe you should try staying awake for one day (and night) and then go to bed at a reasonable time. Won't be so hard to fall asleep then since you skipped a night of sleep ;) And put your alarm so that you wont sleep to long (what can happen when you have been awake for a long time).
That's exactly how i've been for a few weeks now. Although am a "night owl", i have been taking it extremes recently, & not really sure why. If i'm lucky i manage to "wind down" enough to get to sleep say 3-4 am, but quite often i simply cannot get to sleep, but i usually feel tired enough by say 8 or 9 am, go to bed, and then sleep the for the rest of the daylight hours, awaking at late afternoon or dusk.
My doctor agrees with me that i should try to get back into a "normal" routine of sleep. So i might get back to taking my clonazepams, and maybe try developing a "bedtime routine" (to use irrespectve of whether am tired or not!)


Well-known member
It's 8 o'clock AM here and i'll probably go to sleep in about 4 or 5 hours. Sleeping during the night just doesn't happen for me lately.