My personal website about SA

THats a nice site! at least you could talk in front of the camera. I stuttered so bad last time I nearly passed out cos of hyperventilation ! :)
THats a nice site! at least you could talk in front of the camera. I stuttered so bad last time I nearly passed out cos of hyperventilation ! :)

Thank you dear :)
I know what hyperventilation feels like =(
I feel sorry for you.
Btw welcome on SPW :) hope you have a good time here :)


Well-known member
saskia - you are very talented and inspiring. i know social phobics hate hearing good comments but you have absolutely no rational reason to have low self-esteem. irrational reasons i'm sure but they are just figments of a phobic imagination. keep going - you will reach your dreams - just don't give up.
I think ur page is awesome! :)
and I was rly shaken when u started to talk about ur shaking.. u amde the same face I make.. I sincerily hopw we can get through this, all of us :)


Active member
Well done. That was a great video straight from your heart. Your courage should be applauded, i wish you all the best.