My mother betrayed my trust


Well-known member
For some reason I feel way angrier than I think I should feel, but I need to get it off my chest.

The short story is that I have a very loving, yet overprotective mother. For some reason, today she thought it was okay to borrow some of my stuff without even asking. The thing that hurts me most is that she knows I'm kind of fond of my possessions and that I don't lending them out (I think it's part of the whole introvert thing; I need my privacy), so she thought she could avoid me saying "no" by just taking whatever she wanted.

I know she hates it when I call her out on such behavior because she always interprets it that she has failed as a mom, but I've kind of had it with the way she unintentionally controls my life.

I hate to think this way, but I'm kind of glad that I'm moving out into an appartment of my own soon to finally be on my own and no longer have to live the way she thinks is best.


Well-known member
Hey Dutch,

I dont think your unjustified in feeling that way. My wife and i live with my dad, and for a while it was a bit difficult trying to find the proper respectful boundries. We used to have the same problem.

It worked out luckily, but your not alone in feeling that way man!

Ren Koutaisou

Well-known member
Congratulations on the apartment. What did she borrow that is making you feel that way?

I would be glad to move out too, if I could.


Well-known member
Congratulations on the apartment. What did she borrow that is making you feel that way?

I would be glad to move out too, if I could.

Well, this is going to sound weird, but it was a piece of clothing that she needed for some kind of fancy dress christmas thing.

I've calmed down a little now, but I'm still disappointed in her and also still glad that once I move out, I'll finally be in control of my life on my own.


My mother is the same way...I've lived on my own for 5 years, and I live thousands of miles away, and she STILL does that. Just a few months ago, I was back visiting and she helped herself to a brand new hat that I had bought and not even worn yet. Not only does she take it without my permission, and use it to work outside. It fell in a puddle of water, so she dried it off and did not bother to tell me that it had shrunk. Needless to say, I was absolutely livid that she would violate my space that blatantly. I was 27, lived on my own, 2 time zones away, but that was apparently not enough for her to understand that I was not a child and she no longer had eminent domain over my things... but in hindsight, I should have known better - as my mother is the kind of person who considers knocking to be a chore.