my lastest disappointment after a date


New member
dude, i think you are overanalyzing the whole thing. she is only 19 - what she wants probably changes daily, if not hourly. a kiss is not a big deal. If you had tried to go up her shirt or something, that would probably been too much. I think a kiss at the end of the night is the norm. sometimes as much as you like something they don't feel it back. it's nothing wrong with you, it is just not a match. don't beat yourself up about it.

but I know how you feel. I have felt rejected before and take it very personally and think there is something wrong with me and i will never find anyone. But that line of thinking has gotten me nowhere. And I am 34.


Well-known member
I don't know why guys seem to think that girls want aggressive and dominant men (I've NEVER met a girl who liked that

I've never met a girl who said she liked that but they all did. If girls didn't like those type of guys why are they always getting the most women e.g. highschool jocks?


Well-known member
- Dominance is not the same as being Pushy or being aggressive.

- Being aggressive or pushy conveys too much interest. Once she knows you are too interested in her, she will loose interest. Its kinda like watching a football game where the score reads 30-4. Will you watch with the same intensity, when you know there are more interesting games being played in the next channel. You will be bored & Change the Channel. Basic human psychology.
Make the score more or less even. In other words.. her show of interest in you will reward her your show of interest in her.

- Dominant in a subtle way. (as in.. Watch how a dad interacts with his kids. He is in charge, loves them, but lets them know using tonality etc when they step out of line. Kids will constantly test their parents to see where they stand & how far they can push their parents. So do girls. If you lose this underlying battle you wont get laid)

- Ever wonder why girls prefer to go for guys taller than them & a few years older than them.

- Read a book called the 'sperm wars'. It will open your eyes.


Well-known member
Girls does not like nice guys. The like confident social guys who doesn't like them back as much as the they like them. They want the challenge to make the guy like her. To but her infront of his other interrests.


Well-known member
Kien said:
Girls does not like nice guys. The like confident social guys who doesn't like them back as much as the they like them. They want the challenge to make the guy like her. To but her infront of his other interrests.

I think the problem with guys on this forum is they think they know what women want, but don't realise they want. Years of failure with the fairer sex has left you all feeling a bit jaded and cynical. You shouldn't just write girls off, because we (like you) are all different.

I know i'm young, so the wisedom i am about to impart is likely to be ignored :wink: But, if i've learned anything in life so far, it is to NOT ASSUME ANYTHING. Do not make assumptions! It is the stupidest thing you can do - especially making assumptions about other people.

And by the way Kien, this is stupid. And i think that you realise that it's stupid. A girl prefers a guy who likes her less than she likes him!? Come on! Would you prefer a girl who liked you less than you liked her, over a girl who liked you as much as you liked her? God, the guys in this forum are so cynical! It's no wonder you're all so bad with women - by the sound of things, you all HATE women!