my experience with lexapro


Active member
I'm on lexapro 5mg with about 10 days and I find it great. Ive started a new job and Im able to chat to people no problem without feeling nervous at all. I did feel nervous though (alot) when i had to do a group introduction but other than that all has been good with lexapro. I did feel a bit spaced out the first few days I took it but that wore off. I have no complaints with this drug so far.


Well-known member
Worked for me too dude. It helped me get a grip of my fears, although the anxiety isn't gone (I wonder if I can ever be gone completely) I'm 95% anxiety free.
Seems to be alot of bad press for lexipro on here but I highly recommend it, very little side effects :)
I wouldn't relate social anxiety with a group introduction. Even the most confident people feel anxiety, I guess the difference is most people don't let it hold them back


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear that. I'm on Lexapro, too. I started out at 5MG and now I'm all the way up to 40MG. My anxiety has lessened so much, it's almost unbelievable. I would have daily panic attacks, while worrying and obsessing over my health. I hardly ever do that now. I still have bouts of anxiety here and there. I don't think the medication is going to cure it. But it's definitely gotten better. I'm noticing big changes. So, I'm happy with the drug, as well.


im happy with lexapro also this is the second time ive had to go back on it (i managed to be drug free for 6 months) but now that im back on it i can deff notice the difference in compared to without it i feel so much more relaxed and happier now ready to face my fears again :) I highly recommend lexapro