Music and lyrics. Seperate things

One is music, one is poetry. A song should not be liked strictly because it has good lyrics. This offends me as a musician.


Well-known member
I totally agree. If I listened to music for just words themselves, I would just read a book or something. When it comes to music for me anyway: Good sound > Good meaning. Many of my favorite songs have the most random, nonsensical lyrics ever, some no lyrics at all, but they sound good. It's cool when a song's lyrics can make you think, but I think it's much more important for it to be pleasing to the ear.


Well-known member
I agree that one should not like a song just because it has good lyrics. Though from most of the music I've heard the artist's that put more though into their lyrics also put more thought into their music. Also, I prefer to hear songs with no lyrics rather than with bad lyrics.


Well-known member
Well even if the musics good,if the lyrics are just plain offensive I won't ever listen to the song again.But good lyrics that tell and interesting story are a plus for me,but I like loads of songs I can hardly hear the words of


Well-known member
Well as a songwriter/musician both are important. The music has to go with the lyrics. Thats for my band anyway, i can't have a song with crap lyrics, doesn't go well with the music then.
Well as a songwriter/musician both are important. The music has to go with the lyrics. Thats for my band anyway, i can't have a song with crap lyrics, doesn't go well with the music then.

But lyrics don't matter from a musical standpoint. You can hum the vocal melody and it would still be the same song. I don't hear lyrics. Only after hearing the song 100 times might I start listening to what they're talking about.
It just bugs me when someone says "how can you like that song? It's talking about stupid cheesy hateful whatever".
I like the music. I like the song. The song writes the imagery in my head. Sometimes my imagery matches the lyrics and they help, sometimes it doesn't, but it's still a good song because it's good MUSICALLY.


Well-known member
I agree with you, ToolShuggah.
Like, I love ABBA's music, especially to play, but I don't really like they lyrics or anything.
..but, then on the other hand I really don't want to be humming along to a song with creepy/sexist/violent lyrics, no matter how good it sounds.