Most embarrassing moment


Well-known member
when i fell off the deck near the patio making a speech! at my 21st birthday, i was walking and talking, and well...walked too far, that was possibly the the most humiliating moment EVER!

and there have been others 8O


Well-known member

How come you had to make a speech on your 21st b day? Hope you didnt hurt yourself, how did you recover from it when you got up? hehe


Well-known member
my ass was blue for a week :oops: its normally tradition to make a speech at your 18th or 21st so i had no choice, you have everyone shouting out "Speech, Speech...Speech" theres no way you can escape without looking like a complete coward and i had nothing prepared so i just talked shit as enthusiastically as i could for a few minutes before i became airborne


Most moments of my life are embarassing but I remember about a week ago I knocked a whole shelf of videogames onto the floor in a shop. It made such a loud noise but I began to pick them all up. I didn't turn around but I knew people were staring at me and I turned bright red and started sweating really badly.


Well-known member
The most embarresing moments of my life is when I do thing socially that I'm not suppose to. Like being intrusive. That's actually what most of my emberrasing memories are about. 8O